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Nicole's POV:

Ugh. Ever since I brought Mae over to my house, it's just like "BIPPITY BOPPITY BOO!!!" And all the boys who crushed on me are crushing on her. It sucks. Maybe not for her, but for me to lose all of my followers? That's just wrong. Even my geek brother Jackson would prefer her over me. Why? I am so much more popular than her!!! I have had so much experience, more than she'll ever get with that snorty laugh. I mean, I have had at least 3 boyfriends in the last month. What does she think she's doing. I used to have the whole class talking about me, and how amazing me and my current boyfriend look, and about how my curls are so bouncy. Now, everyone talks about Mae. The girl who has been the quiet one in the corner since 2nd grade. I only chose her as my sidekick because she was the only girl who had any potential for looking attractive, and who was blind to the whole "fake friendship" thing. I mean, yeah, some people may think it's cruel to be fake friends, but being a real friend would be even more awkward. I made this "friendship" (yeah right,) because my old sidekick bailed on me when I stole her boyfriend and told the whole school that she was the cause of my broken arm. I know, I know, harsh, but the gossip about me was dangerously quiet. Also, it was time to get a new "friend" (haha) and Mae was the only one who fit the part! Gullible, and cute, not cuter than me obviously! But she's getting boring, so I'll have to find a way to shove that goody-two-shoes in the trash...

Hey guys! I am so sorry that I haven't posted in a while! I was at summer camp and they wouldn't let us bring phones or digital of any sort. Also, on a happy note, I'm sick!!!! So I haven't been able to post while all this chaos is going down! Note: if I have bad grammar or something it is cuz I am on a medicine that makes me a bit loopy, so... YAY MEDICINE. 😑 sorry for a short chapter.

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