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everything was dull.

his life and the world around him suddenly seemed dreary, and it started about two years ago on christmas eve.

when his parents got into a car accident.

that definitely wasn't the present he wanted that year. instead, he got pain, sorrow and a younger brother that went through severe depression. his brother took pills, self harmed and attempted suicide twice. jimin also had thoughts of suicide, but he needed to be a good influence for his brother, jihyun. jimin was extremely worried about his dongsaeng and was scared to leave him by himself in case he made bad decisions. so this resulted in therapy. jihyun obviously wasn't very fond of the idea but jimin insisted.

however, even after two years they both still haven't gotten over the whole ordeal. they sometimes wonder if they ever will.


jimin walked on the old cracked sidewalk, constantly kicking small rocks on the way. its five-thirty in the evening, the time he needs to pick his brother from his therapy classes or whatever. he knew how much jihyun hated being there so he tried to walk as fast as he could, but he couldn't. his weak legs wouldn't let him. though he knew the consequences if he arrived there any later than six, he still walked at a normal pace.

eventually, he did get there in time. he opened the front doors and was instantly hit with a cool breeze of the air conditioning inside. jimin looked around the place as if he's never been there before. it seems as if they put new decorations on the ceiling and walls everyday. he slightly smiled and bowed at the lady sitting at the front desk and continued his way.

turning a corner he arrived at the room where they have little meetings with different people who are going through similar issues with each other. aka, the room jihyun attended to everyday. jimin inhaled and exhaled deeply as he made his way inside. he scanned the room looking for jihyun. and he did, but jihyun wasn't alone. he was with a girl. a beautiful girl as a matter of fact.

jimin stared at her from head to toe for what seemed like forever. he felt like time froze and it was just himself and the girl in the room.

'oh. my. god.' he thought.

he was so deep in his thoughts he didnt even notice jihyun waving his hand in front of his face.

"helloooo?! boy, i know you can see me! what the hell are you even looking at?!" the younger yelled. "ok i didnt want to to this but i guess i have to..."

jihyun slapped jimin across the face.

and he didnt even flinch.


"jihyun." jimin spoke, still looking at the girl. "oh so now you wanna talk huh? you're so annoying. what are you looking at?" jihyun said and followed his gaze now also looking at the girl. the younger looked at his hyung again and pushed him. "you're a creep why are you-"

"who is she?" jimin questioned, interrupting his brother. "unmyeong? she's my friend. why?"

"she's beautiful." jimin said in a monotone voice. he had no expression at all. "yeah, i guess. do you like her or someth-"

"come on." the older interrupted again. he grabbed jihyun's wrist and dragged him out of the building. "hyung what are you doing?! are you okay?" he asked. jimin realized what he was doing and let go. "sorry, i just wanted to escape before i embarrass myself in front of her." jimin looked at his feet. "dont tell me you like her already. love at first sight doesn't exist hyung." jihyun spoke.

"it does to me." the older started walking away, jihyun following soon after. "hyung, i think you're being delusional."

"tell me everything about her," jimin said in that same bland voice, totally ignoring his statement and still not looking at him. "everything you know." jihyun took a deep breath. "well, her full name is kim unmyeong, she's twenty-one, she likes puppies and music, she's still in college, and-"

"is she single?" jimin interrupted for the millionth time. "CAN YOU LET ME SPEAK FOR ONCE?! GOSH HOW MANY TIMES ARE YOU GOING TO INTERRUPT ME?!"

jimin finally looked at jihyun and grabbed the collar of his shirt. "boi, if you talk to me like that one more time i swear-"

"okay okay!" i'm sorry," jihyun looked away. "and i don't know if she's single. go ask her yourself." jimin let go of him and continued walking. "you know i can't do that, i'm shy."

jihyun giggled. "if you really like her you should be a man and ask."

"ugh! you aggravate me." the older groaned. jihyun held onto his arm and smiled. "but you still love me though."



WOOOO google was my best friend while i was writing this, that's for sure. idk if you noticed but there's some parts that are half-assed, i either didn't know what to write or i gave up trying to find better words or whatever. also, i know the name "unmyeong" sounds weird for a girls name but it means my name in korean (destiny) but that doesn't mean the story is about me, the girl looks totally different and her personality is going to be way different from mine. or at least im gonna try to make it that way.
i hope you liked it. 💖

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