Imagine #38

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Fourth Of July

*Your POV*

"Got any plans for tonight?" My best friend, Shawn, asked me.

"Probably chill at home. My 'rents are working tonight." I told him.

"Great, then you can go with me." He said.

"Where?" I asked.

"Somewhere fun."

"Your definition of fun is suspicious."

"C'mon, you can trust me. I'm your best friend and have been since practically birth."

"I guess. Fine, I'll go." I gave in.

"Yay! I'll pick you up around 6."

"Alright, Mendes."

"Bye, (Y/L/N)."

"Bye." I giggled.


As if on cue or something, when the clock struck 6, I heard a knock on the door.

"Shawn's here." I told my parents.

"Okay, we're leaving now then. See you in the morning. I love you!" Mom said and Dad nodded in agreement.

"I love you too, guys." I smiled.

They walked out the side door.

I got up, grabbed my wallet, and opened the front door to reveal Shawn, of course.

"Ready?" He asked. He spotted my parents by the garage and smiled at them.

"Yep." I nodded and went outside. I locked my door and went with Shawn to wherever the heck we're going.

It was a somewhat long ride in the car but it was fun because I was with Shawn and we were singing Disney songs together. Those are honestly the best car rides.

We got there an hour later. It was a park with a bunch of people. There was a carnival/fair kinda thing with lots of rides.

We headed to (Y/Favorite Fair Ride) first. It's my favorite.

Then we went on a few more until it got dark. Shawn decided he wanted to go on the Ferris Wheel -again (if your favorite is the Ferris Wheel)-.

When we got to it, the line wasn't that long since some people went to go watch fireworks.

Wait. Fireworks! That's why he wanted to come on here! He wants to watch the fireworks up on the Ferris Wheel.

*Shawn's POV*

I wanted to watch the fireworks with (Y/N) on the Ferris Wheel. It would be so romantic. I could confess my love for her on there and maybe even kiss her.

We got on after a short amount of time waiting. We were the last to get on before it started going around. That's when the fireworks started.

(Y/N) was smiling. I love how her face lit up with each firework.

"Um, (Y/N), can I tell you something?" I asked her.

She looked at me and nodded.

"I'm in love with you..." I said.

She looked away then quickly turned back. "You are?"


"Well...I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU TOO!" She said then gasped.

"You are?" I asked.

She nodded slowly.

That's just when I held her head and started kissing her. She kissed back.

When we finally slowly got out of the kiss, she gave me a wide eyed look in which I returned. Her look turned into a smile which resulted in myself smiling also.

"This is the best Fourth of July ever!" (Y/N) said.

"I second that!" I smiled.

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now