Imagine #43

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A/n: Another imagine for @Shannon1300 ❤


*Shawn's POV*

"I said I'm sorry! I didn't know!" Aaliyah said to me.

"You know how much I love them and you took the last freaking one!" I snapped.

"Hey! At least you can drive to the store and get more whenever you want to! You have money and you have a vehicle!"

"I can not just get more whenever I want to! I have stuff to do, Aaliyah!"

Suddenly, Mom walked in and heard us arguing. "What is all this bickering for?!"

"Shawn got mad because I ate the last muffin." Aaliyah said.

I glared at Aaliyah while clenching my fists.

"I bet he's on his man period or something." She continued.

"Oh, that's it!" I lost my temper and I (almost) attacked her til my mom blocked me.

"Shawn! You're grounded, you better not do that ever again!" Mom snapped.

Still angry, I walked upstairs to my room and slammed the door. I grabbed my pillow and screamed into it multiple times.

*Shannon's POV*

I was chilling in bed when I got a phone call from Shawn's little sister,  Aaliyah.

"Hello?" I answered.

"I think Shawn needs to see you. He's pretty mad at me right now and he's kinda off his rocker." She squeaked. "I need to apologize to him but I'm afraid. You're pretty much the only person who can calm him down."

"Oh, I'll be over in a few." I said.

"Okay, see ya." She said and hung up.

I threw on some shoes and I made my way to Shawn's house. I spotted him on his roof.

Without going in the house, I found a ladder leading up to his roof and went up to him. He didn't notice me at first.

"Hey." I said and sat next to him.

He hugged me. "Hey."

"How are you?" I asked.

"Not good. I kinda lashed out on Aaliyah. I don't even know why I got so mad but like it was over a muffin and I got grounded and stuff." He sighed.

"Only you would get mad over a muffin." I playfully rolled my eyes.

He giggled. "Yeah. I think I'm going to go apologize to Liyah."

"You sure?" I asked. "Are you calm enough to do so?"

He nodded. "I'm sure."

We headed down and went inside. I waved at Karen, who was in the kitchen, and she smiled.

"Liyah!" Shawn shouted. "I wanna apologize!"

She came running from downstairs. She came to me and hugged me then turned to Shawn.

"I'm sorry for getting mad at you for the muffin. It's just that I love them so much and I was just craving one but you should have it anyway because you're younger." He said. "And to make it up to you, I'll buy you some muffins when I'm ungrounded."

"Yay!" Aaliyah smiled and hugged Shawn.

"All is good now?" I asked.

"All is good." They both said in unison.

"Except I'm still grounded." Shawn sighed.

"And I have to wait on muffins." Aaliyah sighed.

I giggled.

"For apologizing, I'm ungrounding you, Shawn." Karen said as she walked over to us.

"Aw, heck yeah!" Shawn and Aaliyah said and high fived each other.

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