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"So," Liz said as she approached Rick. "Crossbow says you wanted to see me?"

Rick glanced past Liz and at Daryl, who sighed and shrugged. Rick couldn't help but grin. "Crossbow?" He asked.

"He told me not to call him that," She explained. "So obviously I'm going to."

"This is just fan-freakin'-tastic, ain't it?" Daryl grumbled. Liz chuckled lightly and turned back to Rick.

"So, you wanted to see me?" She asked.

Rick nodded in response. She had only been here a few hours, but he needed to speak with her about the Governor. "You and your girls are welcome to stay here, but you've got to understand that right now, it's hard to trust anybody anymore."

Liz nodded, understanding. She wondered where Rick was going with this, though. She tilted her head slightly to the side. "Alright, sure," she said. "So... you aren't sure if you can trust me one hundred percent?"

It was obvious that Rick was a bit embarrassed at having to admit this, but he had to take every precaution. He had to be sure that his group—his family—wasn't in any danger.

"I get it," Liz told him. "But consider this; I would never do anything that could put my girls in danger. This isn't exactly the situation I signed up for, but if it means my girls will be safe behind these fences, I'll help you. I'll stand by you, and the others, against this Governor."

Rick glanced over at Daryl, who shrugged, seemingly rather impressed. Rick looked back at Liz and offered his hand. She looked at it a moment before taking it in her own and shaking it. "Welcome to our group," he told her.

"It's a bit screwed up, but it'll do." Daryl added.

Liz smiled and nodded at him. "So," she said, turning back to Rick. "Who exactly is this Governor?"


So I've decided that, since my story is already all pre-written and ready to go, I'm gonna be updating twice a day, once in the morning, once in the evening! Wooooohoooo!

Gahhhhh this one's super short, I know. But hey, sometimes chapters are gonna be short. They can't all be super duper long.

There'll probably be some short chapters scattered here and there, most of them will most likely be filler.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed!

Read on, loves!


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