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It's Time to Learn

Several weeks had gone by since the remaining people of Woodbury had joined Rick and the others at the prison, nearly one month. The events that had unfolded with the Governor had made Liz realize something, her girls needed to learn how to handle a gun.

So, she'd decided to ask Daryl for help.

"Finally came to your senses, huh?" Daryl asked her.

Liz rolled her eyes and looked at the archer. "Will you help me teach them or not?" She asked. "Because if not, I could always go to Maggie." She folded her arms across her chest.

"Nah, I'll help," He said.

That afternoon, Daryl and Liz took Chloe and Kacy out into the yard and told them what they planned on doing. Chloe seemed somewhat excited, she knew she needed to be able to protect herself and others, and having a gun would allow her to do just that.

Kacy, on the other hand, was less than excited. She would much rather have been in the library with some of the other kids reading. But she could tell that she wasn't getting out of this lesson anytime soon, so she sighed and went along with it.

When Liz handed Chloe a gun, it was one of the ones they had collected from the armory at Woodbury when they brought everyone back to the prison, she looked her daughter dead in the eyes. "This isn't a toy," she said. "Got it?"

Chloe nodded. Liz said the same thing to Kacy when she handed her a gun. Kacy was well aware that a gun wasn't a toy. She still didn't want to have to use one.

The guns each had a silencer attached to them, they didn't want to risk attracting anymore walkers.

Daryl first showed each of them how to hold their guns. Chloe got the hang of it almost immediately, but it took a little while for Kacy to understand it all. Chloe seemed more serious about learning than her sister did, Liz noticed.

Daryl lined up a couple of empty aluminum cans about 10 yards away (30 feet). "I want you two to try and hit them," he instructed. Chloe nodded and held her gun up exactly as Daryl had shown her how. She closed right eye to aim, and then shot. She missed the first few times, but hit the can on her fourth try.

"Good job." Liz smiled.

Kacy couldn't hit anything for the life of her, and when the lesson finally came to an end, Liz stopped her daughter before she could run off. "Kacy, honey, can I talk to you?" She said.

Kacy turned around and faced her mom. "Honey, I know this isn't exactly how you want to spend your time, but these lessons are necessary," Liz said. "What if you were trapped somewhere and the only way out was to shoot and you didn't know how?"

"That's not gonna happen, Mom—" Kacy tried.

"This is just in case," Liz replied. "Please, baby, I want you to know how to protect yourself, okay? It's time to learn how."

Kacy took a deep breath and sighed. "Okay," she replied. "I'll try."

Liz smiled. "Thank you," she said. "You can go on, now. I know you want to get to the library."

Kacy grinned from ear to ear and then began running in the direction of the library. "Thanks, Mom!" She called.

Daryl walked over to Liz. "She'll get it eventually," he told her. "She'll be fine."

"I hope you're right," she replied.

"Course I'm right." Daryl slung his crossbow onto his back. "C'mon, council's getting ready to meet."

Liz raised an eyebrow and looked at him. "Yeah, so you better get going. I'm not on the council."

While it was true that Liz had been with the group for nearly two months now, she wasn't a member of the council that had been formed when the people of Woodbury had joined them at the prison. Liz could understand why, she hadn't been with all of them nearly as long as everyone else had. Some of the people on the council had been members of Rick's group since the very beginning, like Rick and Daryl.

Not that Liz really cared if she was on the council or not, she was perfectly content with helping out in other ways. Going on runs, cooking, killing walkers on the fence.

"Just come anyway," Daryl said.

Liz shrugged. "If you say so," she replied. She followed Daryl back towards the prison.

Things were peaceful that day. Liz only hoped they would stay that way.


Okay, so there might be some confusion - but I know the next episode is titled '30 days without an accident' BUT I noticed something. When Hershel and Carl are outside of the prison and Hershel is collecting berries for his tea, he said 'you've grown a lot these past FEW months.'

Not one month, FEW months. So I'm assuming the time between seasons 3&4 is a little longer than one month. I'm gonna make it two months. So bam.

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