Savage Animal Attacks (Pt. 1)

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So I wrote about my trip that I haven't went on yet, so I thought it would only be fair to tell you about the trips I have been on so grab a cup of tea and settle down in a nice cushiony chair and get ready to let me humiliate myself.

Anyway for vacation about three years ago my family and I went to Florida it was all going well until my parents decided we were going to go to a bird sanctuary about a mile away from where we were staying. So we went there and on the way there was a sea bird breeding ground and guess who walked to close to the birds? (this girl) Guess what happend next the birds started to dive bombing me. I was screaming and running like a maniac and then my parents asked me why I got so close and I said, " I just wanted to see if they had eyes." In my defense the birds had black eyes and black heads so you can see my problem. After that traumatic experience I had to go to the bird sanctuary and they were all out for blood I could tell. After that I went to the beach and my brother kept throwing bread near me so the seagulls would come over to me. At one point he even ended up teaching the birds to fly up and down whenever he moved his hand.

A / N


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