Episode 2: Good night

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-Woah! What did just happened?! I shout to my friend Rose. -I... don't know. I guess we we're send back in time? She answers and ask a question. -Because look around, this doesn't seems like our time, she turn her head and looks around her, so did I. -No, it doesn't look like it. Um, did grandmother tell you anything where we should be? I ask for her, still amazed by the things that's surrounding us. -Yes, she did tell me that there should be a quit a big house nearby, she answer and we start to look for the house. We tried to stay in shadows so no one would see us and think that what we are. -There! Rose shout and run toward a big house me behind her.

When we reach there, we run straight to inside and catch our breath. -Well, your fast, I said and laughed little. -Yeah, your too, Rose says and hit me playfully to my arm. -Look around us, Rose then say and start to walk towards the nearest door and open it. -It looks like this is the place, she says and step inside the room, me following behind her. -Why? Ask from her. -Haha, have I ever say that sometimes your really stupid? She ask and rolled her eyes. That was the time I saw the plaque on the wall and there was my family name. -Woah, I sigh and just stare at it. -It's... well whatever. We should go to sleep, it's already night in here, Rose says and push me forward.

Couple of minutes later we finally found a room where we could take a break and let us sleep. We slept close to each other and heard our breath and nothing else. Soon enough we both drifted to sleep and we woke up for a sound that come from the door.

-What's that sound? I ask from Rose in fear and stand up. -Uh, I have no idea, she says and follow me up and we get our dresses and headed to the front door. I opened the door really slowly, because I didn't know who was in there. 'Nobody knows us so why is here someone at this time?' I keep thinking as I opened the door and looked at the bit older looking men. -Hi? I suddenly ask and smiled to the man. -Hi, miss L/N, the man answer and smiled back at me. -I am Hyun Ki and I work near here. I was just wondering if you and your friend would like to have some job? Hyun Ki asked and looked behind me at my friend. -Well, that would be amazing, my frind says before I even have thinked about it. -That's good. We will see each other soon, Hyun Ki says and just keeps smiling. -Just walk that street to the end and there will be a cafe like place where you will work, Hyun Ki says and leave us alone thinking what did just happened. -Well, that was really weird, he just come up in here at 6 o'clock, I wonder and shake my head. -Well, at least we have a job now, Rose says happily and we go back inside.

-Got to say that it was really nice from him to even ask that, I say when we we're walking towards the cafe like place where we should start working. -Yeah, he just randomly come up to us and wanted to give us something to do, says Rose and just keeps smiling. -Oh dear, I sign and rolled my eyes. -Well, let's go in! I said when we were just standing outside the cafe's door and slowly made our way inside the building.

-No no no!! We suddenly hear someone screams. -No, not like that. Like this! The same person says and we turned to see where the noise come from. There were a women and her child and they were casually eating when the little one start to do his own things which her mother didn't like at all. -Little ones, I said and shake my head. -Ah, miss L/N and miss Kim! A familiar voice shouted to us. -Hyun Ki! Me and Rose says at unision and we start to giggle. -Good to see that you found your way here, he says when he comes to us. -Well, this place wasn't that hard to find, Rose smiles and Hyun Ki smiles back at her. -That's so good to hear, he says and turn away from us. -Can you follow me? He asks and we just nod and started to follow him.

-So, my father wanted me to aks from you if you needed a job, he started and turned to finally look back at us when we reach the backside. -Um, why is that? I ask and keep looking at Hyun Ki very suspicious. -Because our fathers are really good friends. Didn't you know it? He rolls his eyes and turn to look at me. -What? Of course I do did know that, but I really haven't think of it. I answer really quickly so he wouldn't know that I was lying. -Heh, don't worry about it. But, I need one of you to work in the kitchen and the other to work as waitress, he says while looking at us. -Who wants to do what? -I go to kitchen~ Rose sang and raise her hand. -Very well, miss Kim, Hyun Ki nods at her and turn to look at me. -So, your gonna be our new waitress, he says smiling and then lead us to different room, which was the kitchen.

-Cho-Hee! Hyun Ki shouts and a really beautiful girl comes up to us. -You called, the girl says and bows to him. -Yes. Could you introduce miss L/A to her work? She will help as waitress, he says and wait for an answer. -Sure thing! Cho-Hee says and turned her head towards me. -I'm Cho-Hee, I will help you in here and you will help me delivering the things our customers wants, she says smiling at me. -So, shall we get starting? She asks and I nod and follow her to the service room.

-Ah, my name is Y/N L/N, I introduce myself. -It's nice to meet you. Here, you take the customer in and lead them to an empty table. And when they are ready to order, you go to them and get them what they want as fast as you can. And remember to smile and be happy. The girl before you never smiled to anyone, and our boss really didn't like it at all, Cho-Hee says ans stick her tongue out of her mouth. -Oh! First customer, go on, she says and push me toward the new coming customer.

-Hello! How can I help you? I ask and then turn to look a really handsome boy, who has brown hair and soft brown eyes. He was with his three frinds and he looked like he was trying to find someone. -Yes, actually, he says and looks deep into my eyes. -You look new, I have never seen yiu here before, he says and still keeps looking at me. -Uhm, yes. I started today... I say and looked somewhere else because I could see how red my face was going to be. -Hehe, don't need to be shy about it, he says with a wink ant then one of his friends says to him something and he just nods his head. -So, we would like to have a room for us. And goid food and good drinks, the same boy says and wave his hand. -That will be okay, I say after I hade everything written on the paper. -Follow me! I say and lead the way to an empty room.

-Here you go!I said later when I brought a food to the boys. -Thank you! Hay! What's your name? The boy asks and I stare him and keep thinking what to say. -Y/N L/N, I said and take the empty glasses and plates away so that no one would get hurt. -That's beautiful name. My name is Soo Ho, the boy say and gave me a smile. -Good night, Soo Ho then say and wink at me as I hurried out of the room.

-Ugh, is clock really that much already? I whine as I looked at my watch and see that it was already 8pm. -We should head back home fast before it gets more darker that this, Rose says and take my hand on hers and lead the way back to where we come. 'Well, now I know what he meant by Good night' I think myself as I clouse the door and try to find my way to my bedroom. -What did you think about him? Rose suddenly ask when I come back from the living room. -Hmmm? Hyun Ki? He's really nice and looks like really fun men, I say honestly, and Rose just roll her eyes. -I didn't meant him, I mean the boy who was talking with you when you gave him his food. -Ah, Soo Ho... I mumble and lay my head to my pillow, ready to sleep. -So, you think he was good looking? Rose ask and gave me a smirk. -Good night Rose! I shout and drifted so sleep, and my frind just laughed for the hole thing.

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