Episode 19: Welcome back home

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"The magic thing about home is that it feels good to leave, and it feels even better to come back."

-And go to eternity with you! I hear Rose shouting and I opened my eyes when I feel something around me getting stronger and stronger. When I open my eyes, I see my frind standing there, bleeding and looking sad. -Rose!! I shout to her and she turned to look at me and I saw how a tear rolled down her cheeks alongside witj the blood from her hands. -What did you do?! Rose!! I scream and started to back the feeling of power around us. What's happenin?! Why isn't she coming?! Rose!! Why?! -Roooseeee!! I shout and started to cry. -Rose!! Noo!!! I screamed for the last time before it all went white and them everything turned to black.

-Ugh, I mumbel as I get up and but still lay in the floor half way. I put my hand on head since it was hurting like I would have just get beaten and smacked to my head. -What? I ask myself in pain. -Where? Ah... I finally where I was: home. I was sitting in my livingroom, near to the sofa and t.v. -Rose! I shouted and quikly stand up and scream from the pain that I got when I got up. My whole body was so in pain that I walked to my sofa and lay in there. -Rose... I mumbel and tears started to roll my cheeks when I remember what happend before I get back. She found the way, but why? Was all I could think about and then I see something on the floor: a letter. I walked towards it and take it to my hands. It was from Rose.

Dear Y/N. Please don't think badly about me after you have read this. First of all, you are really, really important person to me and I love you to death. Never forget it. And I had a secret that I kept from you: I did know how to break to curse. And if you see this letter, that means that I made it. Your back in our time and I... Well, I'm gone. But don't be sad about it! Anyway, I know the way before we even get there, because my mother tell me everything about it. I just try to play stupid and I faked that I didn't know anything. The things that the old lady say, the ways, was half true. The only true was the chant we say and that's all. Well, the necklaces thing was true but chant was different in it. So my mother tell me the real one. The one where I should sacrifice something in order to get you back our time. And that was what I did. I want you to know that I am happy that you get back, so don't cry. I want you to be happy, I want you to smile and tell your lovely jokes and laugh your adorable laugh. I want you to have lovely life, I just want you to be happy. Even without me. It is my turn to go, but don't come after me too quikly. I will send you back! So, be happy and live for me.

-Rose <3

I beak to tears right after I had read the letter. This can't be happening. This have to be some kind of joke. This is not real. -Oh Rose... I say and fall to my sofa and fall asleep while holding closely to the letter she had written to me.

-Umh? I wake up to the sounds that was coming from the kitchen. Has someone broke in? No, that's not possible. I think and walked closely and stop on my tracks. -Good morning! What do you want for breakfast? I'm sorry that you really don't have anything different than yesterday, so I will make tea and some sandwiches! Sounds good? The person turned to face me and gave m a warm smile. -Rose!! I shout and run to her and hug her. -My my, what's gotten into you? She lauged and hug me back. -I'm so glad, I'm so glad... I say as the tears rolled down my tears the third time at this day. -I am so sorry, Rose say to me and hold me. -That was the only way, she say and let go of me. -But how can you be here? I thought you were... I couldn't finish the line because it felt too bad and hard to say. -The one's with pure heart are able to go back too, she say and gave me a smile. -So you? -I come back because I wanted to save you with all of my heart and I was ready to leave this world for it. That is what they call a pure thing. That's why I am here. And, before you ask, I come here two hours ago, she tell and laughed. -I didn't want to wake you up or you would have thinked that you were seing ghost or an angel, she lauged and shake her head. -It doesn't matter. All that matters is that you are here, you are fine and you are living, I say and hug her. -Welcome back home, I say to her and she laughed. -Thank you, she say and and we stayd there for a while.

Welcome back home, my friend.

The end

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