Sunset over the Park

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A one-shot about Ash and Johnny finding love in each other after a meeting in the park. Takes place in the movie before the destruction of the theatre and the big rehearsal.

This is my first ever story and my first shot at this sort of thing, so any reviews are greatly appreciated, criticism is what I need most now.

Should state I don't own squat. (Maybe the plot from this story?) ;)


A cold wind sweeps though the dusty, dark night side streets of the suburbs, carrying along with it dust, a few leaves and a few wrappers and other litter. Clouds blanketed the night sky, covering up stars that once shone upon the city. A resounding tinkling could be heard coming from inside an old mechanic garage, adorned with an old neon light, showing cracks over the title "Evans". The tinkling belonged to the instrument, an old classic piano, dust-coated top and back, and white paint peeling off the once shiny, now dull oak wood keys. The tinkling also belonged to a young teen gorilla, as he sat on the stool, playing a slow, romantic love song. The performance was amazing, if only there were an audience in the dull, dusty worn car garage.

Johnny, the aforementioned gorilla, cut the song halfway, and stood up from the stool. Taking a glance at his fancy-looking cheap watch, he let out a quiet sigh, reading "10:35" from the two glinting hands. Taking a seat in the worn-out sofa, he watched around the garage, feeling empty. Something was just missing from the set. Maybe it was the lack of cars around, a sign of the struggling business the garage had landed upon. Maybe it was the deadly silence, hanging over the air, no loud chuckles from "Big Daddy" or his gang as they discussed a new plot for a quick steal, or the big heist they were planning. Whatever it was, it wasn't doing Johnny any good. He settled into the sofa and grumbled, pushing his hands into his face. The last few weeks were too much for him to handle. A failed getaway, due to his stubborn selfish acts, landed the only "family" he had left in jail. It really was all his fault. He dosed off into his thoughts falling into a slumber on the sofa.

Flipping to another other side of the city, cars whizzed past the busy street road, people strolled on the pavement, and clubs were basking in the growing numbers of night-goers at the night drew on. An old apartment block stood at the side, lit by the lights glowing from inside. In an apartment on the second floor, a young teen porcupine gathered together a bowl of noodles, the TV remote and a blanket as she snuggled into the couch.

Ash, the porcupine was named, flicked on the TV, and flipped some channels, skipping over cooking shows, news channels, radio channels and the rest. She finally settled on a free movie channel, one of the few she got on the free Digital service. A movie was already halfway through, and within ten minutes, Ash found herself deep into the ongoing plot. The movie was of a beautiful young lady in her 20's, as she was found by a handsome Hollywood actor in a cheap stage show she performed at. Drawn by her acting talent, the Hollywood actor fell in love with her. The movie turned into a cheesy romance film, filled with cutesy dates and locations and whatnot, as the Handsome actor pulled the young lady though the Hollywood film ranks. But the Hollywood actor soon lost interest in the young lady, and ditched her without remorse for another hotter Hollywood actress. Heartbroken, found stuck in a car-crash of a breakup, and struggling to survive in the Hollywood world, the young lady falls into depression. At the sight of this, Ash slowly started to sob, finding the story too close to the events of only 1 month ago. Her own breakup with her ex was too hard to get with, put her into a state of depression for nearly 2 weeks, until the theatre crew came to try and cheer her up. But she wasn't over the half of it, as the depression got to her every few nights, as would cry herself to sleep in remorse over the broken memories of her past, mainly mixed with the memories of her bastard cheating ex, unable to move on. Tonight, was one of those nights.

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