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At the moment, Kristian is the most nervous person in the world. He's really attacked, not knowing what to do until it's time to the citation in the park. He walks around a street that is near the place of the meeting. How could he stay at home until the time came? He would die because of the nerves!

On the other hand, Marie was smarting herself up (although not much) to not give a bad impression to the boy. These last days his image was a little left because, with everything that has happened with his grandmother, his desire to mend and take care of his image disappeared. It's true that she's nervous about the simple fact that she's going to meet the boy she's been talking to for a month over the phone. With the guy who has argued like never before, with whom she has laughed and with whom she has been seriously angry. She has lived many things with him, and only through a little screen.

i'm going to the park rn.

I've just arrived.

wo! good boy.

Stop talking and walk faster. ✔✔

Kristian's hands are sweaty, it's normal when he's nervous. He breathes deeply closing his eyes and tries to relax and, just when he opens them, he finds a beautiful girl coming towards him. It's her. A stupid smile lies on his lips and he raises his arm to make her see that he is the person she is looking for.

—Marie!—he shouts in an impatiently way.

She stops. She stops to watch the boy in the distance. His black hair, his glasses of the same color and a small gap between his teeth (which was not expected and it's something that seems really adorable). When she realizes that she likes Kristian both inside and out, she returns to planet Earth and starts running towards him. When Marie reaches Kristian's place, she gives him a big hug.

—Finally we meet.—she says with a big smile on her face.—And finally I can see your whole ugly face.—Marie sticks her tongue out, starting to laugh later.

—And me I can see your whole beautiful face.—he whispers on the girl's ear.

—Shut up!—she punchs him on his shoulder, in a friendly way, while she blushes.

—Let's have a walk, I'm going to invite you to have dinner.—Kris stretches his arm to her while he is speaking.

—You don't have to do that...—she answers, hooking in his arm.

—Yes, I have.

They both go for a walk, while she explains him in more detail the conversation with her mother the day before. She's going to have to live alone, but her mother will continue to send her money. So she can get used to when she goes to university, because after the holidays she enters on her last year of high school.
She feels that she is with someone she trusts, with someone she has known all her life. The best thing is that he thinks so. And, with the conversation, they reached the place where they were going to have dinner: McDonald's.

—How romantic.—she says, starting to laugh.

—I'm not a rich boy.—he shrugs.

They enter on the place and Marie takes a sit for both. She tells him what she wants to eat and Kristian goes to the queue. Thirty minutes later both are finishing their dinner.

—It's late and mom will be angry if I'm not coming home soon.—Marie says, with sadness.

—Let me to go along with you.—he smiles, standing up.—C'mon!

On the way to Marie's house, Kristian dares to grab the girl's hand. They walk hand in hand, without any problem. When they get to her house, Marie kisses Kristian's cheek and he does the same in hers.

—Have sweet dreams... talk later or tomorrow. And see you soon too.—it's Kristian's goodbye, while he is saying goodbye with the hand too and he is starting to blush.

—Bye.—she does the same as the boy, smiling a lot.

When Marie enters home, she runs upstairs and throws herself on the bed. It has been her first date with a boy... and she is so happy that it has been with Kristian.

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