Chapter 2: Another one!?

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   Sean ran up the stairs with Signe to show her the video on his computer. When they got there, he realized that the creature must have been there first, for the recording was deleted. "Signe, I am not crazy, that thing deleted the video," Sean explained as he searched his deleted items. "Found it!" Sean opened the video and showed it to Signe. Signe believed him for a second, then, she decided he probably was just making a skit. "Nice skit Sean." she exclaimed sarcastically. Sean only then realized that the video just looked like it was one of his videos for Youtube. "I am on my own" Sean thought to himself. "Wait, what if I go to Mark's house? He will believe me." He ran down the hall and saw the creature beside Mark, who was tied to a chair with duct tape on his mouth, only, it wasn't just the creature Sean had seen before. There was another one, looked like Mark.

  Signe followed Sean down the hall. "Apparently my boyfriend is crazy. It's either that or he wants to trick me. I am not easily tricked." She followed Sean into his recording room. Sean turned on the computer and searched everywhere on the computer. "I am not crazy, that thing deleted the video!" Singe was getting tired of his nonsense. "Found it!" Sean screamed. He played the video. "No way...... what is that!? Oh, it is a skit." Signe thought to herself. "Nice skit Sean," she exclaimed. "I am so done with this" She thought. Signe walked out of the room and went straight to her bedroom. She opened a book and started reading it. "What if he isn't lying? What is someone is imitating him?"  She thought as she walked out of the suite and down to the lobby. Signe decided she needed a break, so she went to her car, not realizing that there had been a kidnap scene going on in the room next to her. She hopped in the car and drove to the store. 

  Mark backed away slowly. "Oh come on, old friend, you know who I am." The creature said, trying to sound reassuring. Mark turned around, shocked. Without warning, somehow, he started walking inside. Mark couldn't control his body. He pulled up a chair from the kitchen table and sat down. "What just happened!?!? I did not do that! Who are you and what are you doing!?" As Mark chattered away nervously, Anti and some other mysterious character, who seemed to appear from nowhere tied him up and put duct tape on his mouth. Mark tried to look around and search for the mysterious character he had seen before. "What should we do with him?" Anti asked. "I don't know. I'm sure I will think of something horrible." the mystery creature said from behind him. Mark was surprised, for he recognized that voice. It was...his. 

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