My betterhalf- episode 3

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My betterhalf
Epi 3
Sanskar's cabin
Ragini entered having some files in her hands. She stood in front of sanskar's table.
Ragini:sir these are the files which u have to sign.
Sanskar(bossy attitude): alright keep here and collect later.
Swara giggles seeing his husband's antics. It was then when ragini's sight caught Swara. As ragini looked at swara
Ragini(exclaimed happily): OMG what I m seeing.
Swasan gave confused look and ragini quickly moved towards swara.
Ragini (super excited):I can't believe that swara mam you are standing in front of me. You know I m ur huge fan. I just love your voice. I admire u as my favourite singer.
Swara(smiles):thank you.
Ragini:mam if you don't mind then may we take a selfie plzzzz.
Swara:sure why not.
Both swara and ragini got busy in clicking pics. While all the time sanskar was just looking at them by crossing his arms near chest.

After sometime when it was enough for Sanskar as these girls have made his cabin as selfie spot.
Sanskar(sternly): I think you forgot ragini that you are at work.
Both swaragini looked at sanskar whereas ragini got little afraid seeing sanskar's anger.
Ragini (stammer): no no sir I am back to w.ork .
Sanskar : you better.
Ragini(whispered in swara's ear): I will meet you later mam bye.
Ragini left the cabin only swasan are left.
Swara: what was that?
Sanskar: what???
Swara went near Sanskar's chair and stood in front of him.
Swara: huh ! U frightened her.
Sanskar: then?? I pay her for work not enjoyment.
Swara give him unbelievable look .
Sanskar: don't look at me like that.leave this. You just tell me why didn't u replied my msgs and even not attended my calls. You know I got mad.
Swara: hmm If I would have talked to u then u would have guessed that I m coming that's why I ignored.
Sanskar: yeh tell me, u were coming next month?
Swara: yes but recording of my next song got delayed due to some problem so I thought to meet u and all.
Sanskar: you went home.
Swara: nope. I just directly came from airport.
Swara went and sit on the couch.
Swara(bit worried): sanskar why u got angry unnecessarily. U know its not good for your health.
Sanskar got up from his chair and sit beside Swara.

Sanskar: unnecessarily. U know my day starts and end with u and moreover yesterday also u didn't talked properly.
Swara(put her head on his shoulder): ok sorry next time I will not ignore u.
Sanskar: good. BTW now u go home and take rest .
Swara(lift her head) : u are not coming?.
Sanskar: no actually in the evening there is meeting with foreign delegates. I can't cancel they are leaving the country tonight.
Swara: hmm it's OK we will go together in the evening.
Sanskar: what u will do till then?
Swara: sweta is there to give me company. After all I have to take the report of 6 months what all u did in my absence.(teasingly)
Sanskar: Acha ji.
Swara: yea.
Swasan got busy in talking on random stuff.
Ragini's cabin:
Ragini was very happy to meet her favourite singer. But she was confused what swara must be doing here.
Ragini(monologue): what swara mam is doing in our office(then something strikes her mind) oh yes sanskar sir is opening new music academy may for that only she must be here.
Then after convincing her she again started doing her work .
Sanskar was busy in meeting and Swara was talking with sweta.
Sweta:swara mam your last song was just awesom. You know Sanskar sir had made new rule.
Swara:really what?.
Sweta:that in morning, evening and during break only your songs will be played in office.
Swara( laughs): what!! he is totally insane.OK tell me who is new girl in pink suit.
Sweta:she is ragini. Sir's pa.
Swara: I didn't saw her earlier.
Sweta: actually she joined 6months back when u left for Mumbai.why,what happened?
Swara: nothing she treated me as singer otherwise everyone here treats me normally.
Sweta:ohkk.if I m not wrong then u came suddenly bcoz of some special reason.
Swara:oh u guessed. But see that silly fellow don't even remember.
Sweta:sir forgets everything after seeing you.
Swara(blushes little):nothing like that.u know we can't be with each other everyday bcoz of our profession but at least we should not miss special days.
Sweta: so what u have planned.
Swara:not much I just want to be with him for full day.
Sweta smiles seeing their love which has not decreased even bit with long distances between them.
Sanskar came our bidding bye to delegates and ragini went to her cabin.
Sanskar looked here and there to find swara when he saw her near reception with sweta. He went to her.
Sanskar:swara let's go.
Swara: u came(she looked at him) OK bye sweta take care.
Sweta: bye.
Swasan came out.sanskar brought car and swara kept her bag on back seat and sit beside him.
In car:
Swara:everyone will be surprised to see me na.
Sanskar: yes specially mom.she will take whole house on her head and will make your favourite food.
Swara(raised her eyebrow): jealous???
Sanskar: me and jealous. Not at all.
Swara: really????
Sanskar: yes.
Swara:how was you meeting I forgot to ask.
Sanskar:it went good.hope so we will get the contract.
Swara: u will don't worry.
Sanskar:hmm.let's see.BTW your music academy is almost ready.
Swara:really tomorrow we will go and see.
Both reached home. Sanskar parked the car and both went inside.sanskar was holding Swara's bag.
Swara( shouted from hall):mom where are you I m back.
Sujata came running from kitchen and got happy to see swara.
Sujata(hugging Swara): thank god you came I missed u soo much.
Swara:even I missed u all .
Sanskar smiled seeing them.listening noise Ram also came down. Swara saw him and immediately went to him and hugged him.
Swara:how are u dad?
Ram: I m fine beta. U tell.
Swara(smiles):me too fine.
All got sitted in hall.
After some time.
Sujata: swara u take rest. I will make your all favourite dishes today.
Swasan smiled looking at each other as they knew this.
Swara:love u mom.
Swasan went to their room. Both after getting fresh up came down.
Later everyone had dinner together and enjoyed family time.
To be continued.....
Precap:swara's main reason for coming suddenly. Ragini is preparing surprise for someone special.

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Lots of love.
Take care

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