My betterhalf----episode 12

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Hello guys! I m back. Thank you for your valuabe comments.
Let's begin
My betterhalf(swasan ff)
Epi 12
Maheshwari house:
Night (8pm)
Swara is moving here and there waiting for sanskar as he is late from his usual time.sujata came from kitchen and saw her
Sujata: swara, sanskar didn't came till now?
Swara: no mom I had tried his mobile many times but it's switch off.
Sujata: he normally comes at time why he is late.
Swara(worried): don't know at least he should have called.
Sujata: don't worry must be busy in some work.
Swara: hmm
After sometimes, sanskar came. He looks tired due to overwork.
Sanskar was directly going to his room when swara ran to him
Swara: Sanskar why u r late and your phone also switched off.
Sanskar: I was busy in work and my phone's battery is dead.
Swara:ok get fresh up and come for dinner.
Sanskar: swara I m not in mood to have dinner. So u all have your's.

Saying this he left to his room.
Sujata: what happened to him?
Swara: I will talk to him don't take tension.
Swara went to her room
Swasan room
Sanskar opened his coat and was about to throw on bed when swara held it and put in on couch.
Sanskar sits on bed and started opening his shoes.Swara sits beside him and held his arm
Swara: sanskar u have fever.
Sanskar (looks at her): yea its little I will sleep it will be ok.
Swara: what little u r burning..
Sanskar: swara I m fine don't over react.
Swara: why r u behaving like this.
Sanskar: like what?
Swara: rudely
She got up and was about to go when sanskar held her hand and made her sit on his lap.He put his hands around her waist.swara looked at him and put her hands around his neck.
Sanskar:sorry, I was bit upset in office.
Sanskar(took deep breathe): u know today I was having meeting with shekar gododia,ragini's father.
Swara: he is also businessman?
Sanskar: no,school principal. It was regarding construction of new school building.
Swara: okay then what?.
Sanskar:I had already invested the money so he was blackmailing me that he will give me deal only if I accept his daughter and all that rubbish.
Then sanskar narrated the whole scene of office.
Swara(shocked): what?I mean how can a father do like this.
Sanskar: that's why even I was shocked

at one point we can say ragini is immature but his father is mature enough to tell her what is right or wrong. Seriously they are disgusting.
Swara(rub his neck) : relax.I will go and talk to them that they are doing wrong.
Sanskar: no u r not going anywhere. Just let it be.I don't care let them think whatever they want.
Swara stared at him.Sanskar saw her.
Sanskar:I said something.
Swara nodded.
Swara: come for dinner.
Sanskar:I don't want to go down mom will ask and I can't lie more.
Swara: okay u change I will bring our dinner here.
Sanskar: hmm.thank god u r here otherwise I don't know how I was going to manage all this.
Swara: I m always there besides you.(kissed his forehead).
She got up from his lap and went down and Sanskar went to washroom.
After dinner Sanskar was lying on bed due to fever when swara came with medicine
Swara: sanskar get up have your medicine.
Sanskar(opened his eyes): no need of medicine swara I will be fine.
Swara(sternly):shut up and sit.
Sanskar (got up): u won't listen.
Swara(gives medicine): now have this tomorrow we will go to doctor.
Sanskar make annoying face.
Swara:don't make faces.
Sanskar layed down back and swara closed the door and switched off light and lay beside sanskar.
Sanskar pulled her through waist and hugged her tightly and slept but swara was lost in thoughts.
Swara(monologue):I can't let them go like this how can they think about sanskar like this though they know he is married. I really need to give them answer.Tomorrow I will go to their house but sanskar should not get to know.
Thinking this she hugged sanskar and slept.
Swasan room
Swara came inside the room and went to bed where Sanskar is sleeping. She sit near him and put his hand on his forehead to check fever due to which he got up
Swara:how r u feeling now?
Sanskar:better so no need of doctor
Swara: no then also once we will go for check up.
Sanskar: swara I have to go to office also.
Swara(got up): u r not going anywhere.
Take bath we will to doctor first then..
Sanskar(sits on bed): then?
Swara(smiles): shopping
Sanskar: ohhh
He get up and went to washroom whereas swara take out his clothes.
Shopping Mall:
After visiting doctor swasan went to mall.They entered inside the mall
Swara:sanskar first we will buy your clothes.
Sanskar: okay.
They moved towards gents section.
While going swara stopped seeing something, sanskar turn and look at her and then followed her gaze.she was looking at kids corner. sanskar smiles and went to her.
Sanskar:(said slowly): u r thinking to buy those(points to children's toys.
Swara:hmm(came back to senses) no nothing.
Sanskar:so madam is dreaming about something right (teasingly).
Swara(hit his arm):sanskar
Sanskar:don't worry soon we will go to that shop also.
Swara blushes profusely.
Sanskar:uff swara don't blush otherwise u will complain that I did something at public place.
Swara: shut up.
Then they went to gents section and swara bought many dresses for Sanskar of her choice and he was just standing. Then she did her shopping where sanskar chooses dresses for her.
After shopping they did lunch in restaurant.
Later went to home.
Sanskar is busy in doing his office work on laptop in his room.
Swara was going outside and said to sujata
Swara:mom I m going out.plz tell Sanskar that I will come soon.
Sujata: ok
Swara left.
Gododia house:
Swara reached outside and tap on door bell. Janki opened the door and got shocked to see swara but still recovered
Janki: plz come.
Swara entered inside and janki asked her to sit.Then only shekar came and said
Shekar: who came janki?
Swara looked at him and even he looked at her but he was not able to recognize her so asked to janki
Shekar: who is she?
Janki:she is famous singer swara….
But swara cut her and said
Swara: sanskar's wife swara sanskar maheshwari.
Now shekar understood that why she must have came.
Shekar(sit in front of her): how can I help u?
Swara: if u can call ragini plz I need to talk to her.
Shekar(calls): ragini beta one min come outside.
Ragini came from her room and was shocked to see Swara in her house.
She came near
Swara: hlo ragini hope so u must have recognized me.
Ragini: yes hi.
Swara: u people must have guessed why I came here.See I m making u understand respectfully that whatever u people are doing is not correct. It won't effect me and sanskar but u are only wasting your time .So I suggest u ragini that back off from this and concentrate on your life and u can get a better life partner.
Ragini: but I love sir truly.
That was it for swara.she got up angrily
Swara(angrily): just shut up ragini.don't u feel Shame saying all this rubbish in front of his wife.Sanskar was right u people are disgusting.I m talking politely it doesn't mean u can speak anything. I m giving u warning that stop all this otherwise u will see the worst side of me.
Maheshwari House:
Sanskar came in hall and search for swara but when he didn't find so asked from sujata
Sanskar: mom where is swara?
Sujata: she went out.
Sanskar: but where?
Sujata: she didn't told just said she is going out.
Sanskar: okay.
Sanskar called on her no.
Gododia house:
Swara's phone rang displaying Sanskar's name.swara moved aside picked the call
Swara: ha Sanskar.
Sanskar: swara where u went at this time?
Swara: (lied)wo actually I came to academy as yesterday i was not able to go.
Sanskar came to know from her tone that she is lying but didn't said anything Sanskar: ok come soon.
Swara: ok bye.
She cut the call and moved towards gododia family
Swara: I hope u will listen to what I said.
Ragini didn't looked at her as if she doesn't care
Swara(moved to ragini): ragini if u r very fond of having relation with Sanskar then u r most welcome
Ragini looked at her confused
Swara(continued): but on raksha bandhan to tie rakhi to Sanskar(ragini got shocked)trust me he will happily accept u as his think over it.
Swara said smirkingly.
Swara(dangerously): dare u to look at my husband I will do something which you would have never expected.Mark my words.
Swara left gododia house leaving behind shocked shekar and ragini.
Janki: how many times I made u understand that stop but u didn't listened me once.See now what happened Still ragini leave all this and don't spoil your life.
Shekar left to his room.
Janki: I hope ragini u will listen to what I said.
Ragini slightly nodded and left.
Maheshwari house:
Sanskar already knew that Swara lied to him about her whereabout but still to confirm he called at academy and he get to know that swara didn't came there.
Now Sanskar's anger reach at peak that why she lied to him.He was eagerly waiting for swara to get his answers.
To be continued....
Precap: Sanskar angry at swara and swasan arguments.
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