rescuing Yami

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This fanfiction story is rated M for violence, nudity, sex, and language.  It will also feature boy on boy (YAOI) sexual content, so do not read it if you are not into these things.  I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the Yu-gi-oh characters and/or series

Special Key Notes: "regular speech", 'thinking/thoughts', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), {translated from Egyptian}, 'letters/notes', bold - duras speech

THIRTEEN - rescuing Yami

Seto's trip ended early as he decided to stop by the construction sight to surprise Yami.  Seto rented a car as he drove off for the construction sight.  As Seto drove to the sight, he could sense and feel that something was wrong but he couldn't figure out what it was.  Seto drove up to the sight as he came to a quick stop.  He could see Yami across the construction sight as Yami was being held by somebody that Seto didn't recognize.  Dark jealousy burned within Seto as he felt his fangs and claws lengthen as he was tempted to rip the person whom held Yami into several small pieces.  Seto watched as a dark hole appeared within an alley as both Yami and the other person walked through it disappearing from sight.  A look of shock stretched across Seto's face as the feeling that he had earlier became much stronger.

'This must be from the blood bond that Yami and I did.  But who in the world was that?  What on Earth is going on?  Why didn't Yami fight back as it seems that he wasn't himself?  I may have no clue about what's going on but I know one thing is is for certain, I have to rescue Yami.' Seto thought to himself.

Anubis smiled and laughed wickedly as he and Yami appeared back in the graveyard through the portal that Anubis had created.  Yami was like a doll in his arms.  Anubis lead Yami to a nearby mausoleum that Anubis had set up as his home base.  As they walked slowly Anubis would kiss Yami while stripping the pharaoh's clothes.  From time to time he would hear small moans of pleasure from Yami.  Anubis undid the spell that made him appear human as he ran his hands over Yami's bare chest as he could feel the scars that covered Yami that have been there for centuries.  As they entered the mausoleum, Anubis licked Yami's nipples as Yami moaned out a name but it wasn't Anubis's.

{See only me and me alone Yami.  Call out my name, call out the name of your maker.} Anubis stated in Egyptian casting a spell over Yami.  Yami obeyed as the spell compelled him too as Anubis tugged at the last barrier that stood between him and Yami, their pants.  Several blood tears rolled down Yami's face when Anubis wasn't watching as Yami was still conscious of what was happening to him but he couldn't break the spell that Anubis had casted on him.

As Anubis tugged at the last barrier, Zorc had entered the mummies chamber.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Zorc asked angrily.  Anubis snarled in annoyance and anger as he was so close to having Yami once again.

"What does it look like?  I am claiming something that already belongs to me." replied Anubis as he playfully nipped at Yami's ear.

"But we were supposed to kill him!  Why are you doing this Anubis?" asked Zorc.

"I don't have to tell you my reasons.  Besides......... I think that we are done here.  Yami my love, kill him." stated Anubis.

"As you wish.........." replied Yami in a lifeless voice as a dark fireball made of black and purple flames appeared in Yami's hand.  Zorc cursed out loud as he lept at Anubis and Yami.  Yami reacted quickly as he pushed Anubis out of the way as he threw the fireball at Zorc.  Yami's claws lengthened as he slashed Zorc several times savagely.  Soon there was nothing left of the demon as Anubis chuckled out loud.

"This is the fate that be fall any who stand in my way!  Now where was I?" asked Anubis.

"Making love to me, Anubis." answered Yami coldly.

"Ah yes..... but first..... I must make sure that nobody else disrupts us.  Wait here and I shall return shortly." stated Anubis as he kissed Yami on the lips before he left the room.

Meanwhile.......... Seto had tracked down Yami finding him within a graveyard.  Seto was thanking the gods that he had such a strong sense of smell as it made it easy to find Yami.  Seto entered the mausoleum that Yami was in finding a lifeless vampire covered in dark blue blood.

"........Yami ......Yami ...... come on and wake up!" Seto whispered as he shook Yami.  Yami never responded which caused Seto to curse.  He knew that he had to get Yami out of there before whomever took him returned.  Seto placed the lifeless Yami onto his back before he took off getting out of there as fast as his legs would carry him.

A couple of minutes later, Anubis reentered the room.

"I am sorry that took so long............." Anubis's voice cut short when he saw that Yami was gone as he snarled angrily.  "Damn him.......... how did that werewolf know where to find Yami?  Fuck..... I must kill that werewolf as it stands in my way of me getting what I want." snarled Anubis as he pulled out Yami's stolen spell book looking for a spell.

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