ancient past

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This fanfiction story is rated M for violence, nudity, sex, and language.  It will also feature boy on boy (YAOI) sexual content, so do not read it if you are not into these things.  I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the Yu-gi-oh characters and/or series

Special Key Notes: "regular speech", 'thinking/thoughts', *mental/telepathic speech*, (author notes), {translated from Egyptian}, 'letters/notes', bold - duras speech, italic – shadow creatures speech

Twenty - ancient past

Seto awoke to someone gently stroking his fur.  Yami had awakened before the werewolf.  Yami knew that there was some things that he had hidden from Seto that he needed to share.  Seto let out a long yawn as he enjoyed Yami stroking his fur and scratching his ear.

"Don't shift back yet Seto.  There is much that I have to tell you.  Things that only two other people know.  One of which died a long time ago as the other is Shadi.  My name isn't really Yami.  Yami was the name given to me when I  became pharaoh.  My true name is Atemu.  Everything happened more than five thousand years ago.  I didn't know that my family as much like you I lived out in the streets.  Even before I was awakened to that of a full vampire, I did have slight blood cravings which forced me to feed off of anyone that I could find.  That was until he had found me and helped me......" Yami stated.

FLASHBACK = Egypt five thousand years a young Atemu wondered the streets

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FLASHBACK = Egypt five thousand years a young Atemu wondered the streets.  His blood hunger had taken hold again.  Atemu had grabbed a hold of a young man and was about to sink his fangs into the man when he was stopped by another older male.

"I wouldn't do that as you will regret it later." stated the man.  Atemu turned as the younger man ran off once he had escaped Atemu's hold.  Atemu snarled attacking the older man as he made no attempt to dodge as he allowed Atemu's fangs to pierce his skin.  The man's blood was far different than what he has ever tasted before.  Slowly Atemu retracted his fangs looking at the man.  He didn't appear to be anything special but Atemu knew other wise.  "Your pour thing.  You have no idea of what you are or even what you are capable of!  But I can help you if you let me." stated the man as he gave Atemu his hand.  Atemu took it willingly. = END FLASHBACK

"That person was Mahad.......a sorcerer whom helped me learn what I was and what I was capable of.  Mahad even taught me about contracts with those that existed within the Shadow Realm.  I was the only one whom could use their powers as if they were my own.  I was also the only one whom could summon and control the three gods that reside within the Shadow Realm.  I learned much from Mahad before I was named pharaoh.  All people whom became pharaoh is given the name Yami.  My last name at the time happened to be Yami as the previous pharaoh said my name to be his successor.  As the new pharaoh I was allowed to make one demand.  My one demand was that Mahad would accompany me and be my sorcerer." Yami stated as he took a long deep breath before continuing.  "While I was pharaoh, Shadi came to become Mahad's apprentice as I learned how to control some of my more vampire aspects until Anubis attacked turning me and killing me."

FLASHBACK = Atemu awoke finding Mahad lying besides him dying

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FLASHBACK = Atemu awoke finding Mahad lying besides him dying.  Atemu let out a loud guttered scream as he scrambled to Mahad's side.  Mahad was alive but just barely.

"Mahad stay with me........I can save you." stated Atemu.

"No Atemu......... you can't do that.  Don't worry I shall always remain by your side.  Remember when I taught you about the contracts with the creatures that exist within the Shadow Realm?" asked Mahad weakly as Atemu slowly nodded his head yes.  "When I die........ I shall be reborn into their world becoming the dark magician.  Shadi shall take my place to become your sorcerer.  You can trust him with your secret Atemu.  Never forget that I am always by your side no matter what." stated Mahad before he drew his last breath.  Atemu screamed out loud as his body changed into that of his altered form.  Mahad's soul slipped from his body transforming into that of the dark magician.  The dark magician gently touched Atemu's face.  I will always be with you Atemu.  Remember that. stated the dark magician before he vanished.  = END FLASHBACK

* mean to tell me that Shadow Realm creature that you had showed me earlier was Mahad?* asked Seto as Yami allowed him to get up and to shift back to his human form.

"Yes it was.  But that's not the reason why I am telling you this.  I felt that I should hold no secrets with you.  I wanted to tell you the truth about my past." replied Yami.  Seto shifted back to his human form much quicker than before as this time he hardly felt any pain.

"Would you mind if I called you by your true name?" asked Seto.

"I would love it if you did Seto. But when others are around please call me by my other given name." replied Yami.  Seto walked up towards Yami caressing him intimately.

".........Atemu........." Seto whispered lovingly.  Yami lifted Seto's face to meet his as he planted a deep and aggressive kiss onto Seto's lips as their tongues danced for dominance.

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