Pancakes for desert

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WARNING: this chapter is smuttier than anything I've ever written before, so if it's not your kind of thing, leave now... I kept it kind of appropriate in the first two books, and I personally don't think I'm very good at it but hey, I've gotta learn at some point 😂 (to WRITE it, I mean. Not the actual thing... Okaaaay I'm gonna stop here before things get any weirder 😂)

Jen's POV

We pretty much attacked each other after I told him what I wanted, but I could feel that he needed the exact same thing. I took his bottom lip between my teeth and bit it, softly, but he groaned and panted against my skin.

"Okay, I have a suggestion," he said, trying to focus on the words he was saying. I could see he was struggling, but he grabbed my face when I wanted to lean in and kiss him again.

"What's your suggestion?" I slurred, going for his jaw instead.

"Do what I say."

"Do what you say?"


I pulled back with the last of my control. "Only if we stop talking after that."

"We can do that," he managed to let out before he pulled my lips to mine again. I stumbled backwards, my back hitting the wall again, but he wasn't being gentle in the slightest.

I didn't want him to.

I hiked one of my legs up to his hip, but he shook his head and moved his hands up to my breasts. "Wait."

I didn't know what he was doing, but waiting was the last thing I was capable of— until he gently squeezed my right breast, making my nipples harden through the fabric of my dress.

For a split second, I praised myself for wearing a dress today.

"I want to see you," I said, pulling on his shirt. "I want you naked."

"Hm," he grumbled again, smirking, but he let me pull off his shirt. When that landed on the floor, he grabbed my hips and forced me to look at him.

"Turn around," he said.

My breath was coming out in short bursts and I could barely think straight; my lower abdomen was throbbing and my panties were wet. But I did what he said and turned around.

When I was leaning with my palms against the wall, he slid his hands down to my upper legs and then back up, lifting my dress up in the process. I was waiting for him to pull it out, but he didn't; instead, he slid one of his hands in my panties.

I gasped at his touch and backed up a little, until I felt his erection against my butt. He grumbled in my ear, putting his hand on mine against the wall as he moved a finger inside of me. That's when I lost control; I started rubbing against him, interlacing the fingers of my hand that was still against the wall with his.

"I want you," I said again as I leaned on his shoulder and our breaths mangled, "I want you. Now."

"Don't come just yet," he breathed heavily. He slipped another finger inside and pushed his body against me, pressing his cheek against mine. We were panting, forgetting about the everything else around us, until we both couldn't hold it anymore.

"Wait, wait," he said, and he unbuckled the belt of his jeans. They dropped to the floor, as did his boxers; the tip of his cock nudged against me and I gasped again.

"Spread your legs," he said, positioning himself behind me.

I spread my legs; my whole body was now on fire, and I needed him so bad that it almost hurt. That was the thing with Colin: I'd longed for him for so many years that every bit about him was enough to make me crazy. 

He pulled up my dress as I leaned over, and then his fingers were tugging my panties down. He grabbed my hips again, and I was forever grateful that we didn't have to go through the condom process since I couldn't have any more kids after Asher.

His tip was at my entrance again, but this time I couldn't let him control the paste; I backed up, until he nudged inside of me. I moaned when he pulled out, but then filled me again and I let go of the wall.

"You're mine," he said, grabbing my hips again and moving one hand down to stroke my clit. He slammed into me again and again, going a little faster every time.

"I'm yours," I said between bursts of breath, "I was always yours, I'm always going to be yours, and you're mine forever."

He was no longer able to let out anything more than a hiss, and our movements became more rapid and desperate. He told me to wait, wait, but I couldn't; him moving inside of me was too much, and I cried out when the burning in my abdomen ignited and my orgasm took over my body. He came with me; my grip around him tightened as my muscles clenched and unclenched.

My legs were shaking, my face was sweaty and my hands were quivering when he pulled out of me, but I closed my eyes and smiled like a fool when he wrapped his arms around me from behind. I felt safest whenever I was in his arms, surrounded by his smell, his whole being.

What we had didn't just revolve around sex. He was the first guy I'd really made love with, the only guy that could make me feel like every time was better than before. To have him as my lover was still one of the most surreal and astonishing things in my life.

"Please tell me you don't ever have to leave again," I said, leaning back against his chest and wrapping my arms around his.

He was holding me up, pressing his cheek against mine. "That's not something for tonight. Tonight is ours."

"Mmm," I sighed happily. "You can have some more of that Indian food, if you want. There's still some left."

He pressed his lips against my cheek and didn't let go. "Well," he said after a few seconds, "How about we go and get some ice cream? There's this shop not that far from here..."

"Says the one who judged me for ordering food at midnight." I turned around to kiss him, but I was still smiling. 

He was, too. "Desert is on another level than just takeout."

"What are you talking about?" I said, grinning. I leaned in closer and sucked on his earlobe before I whispered, "I just had pancakes for desert."

Okay so Jen is almost 43 (if I still have the timeline of the story right), which means that it can be pretty dangerous to have another baby... I didn't feel like explaining the technical side in the chapter itself so here it is: she has had her fallopian tubes tied (IN THE STORY), which means no babies anymore 😉 ✧

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