2017-2018 Season Appliction

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Due July 25 for early recruitment, August 14 for regular recruitment.

This year's application consists of two parts: the basic application and the "tryout."

Captains that have not been determined by the end of early recruitment will be selected by September 15. 

Submit all applications to wattpadwritingquidditch at gmail.com Use the @sign because Wattpad won't let me add it). If you cannot email it, send it via PM to WinnietheNarwhal or your team captain's account.

Select parts of the application will be posted in the Team Roster book (only your nickname, personal profile, age, year, blood, parents, house, position, broom, appearance, future career options, relationship status, and story biography). Your tryout will also be posted publicly. 


Name (please use your real name):

Nickname (to be used on your profile):

Personal Wattpad profile:

Email (optional):

Google Account (if you have one): 


Year (based on age):

Blood (muggle-born, half-blood, pure-blood, etc.):

Parents (if canon characters):



Broom (Nimbus 2000, Nimbus 2001, Firebolt, Shooting Star, Comet, etc.):

Future career options?:

Relationship status at the time? (crushing, single, taken, etc. Can be your real or RP life.):

Appearance (provide a brief physical description)~

Other obligations off of Wattpad (including classes, grades, hobbies, sports, etc.):

Birthplace (optional):

Current residency (for time purposes):

Brief real-life biography (100-500 words):

Story biography (basically what your life was, growing up in the wizarding world):

For your part in the description box: Name//username// position// year// age//blood status// relationship status (in the story or real life)


In 500-3000 words write about your tryout! What happened? Who were you up against? 

Do not include any names of the captain or fellow hopefuls. You are, however, allowed to include friends who came to watch, etc. Do not include your result, either. That will be written by the captains and posted in this book. You may use the final result as the starter of your own book on this account, should you wish to do so and are accepted. 

PART 3: 

Copy and paste this into your application and sign it:

I, (name), hereby agree to follow all rules agreed on by @WritersQuidditch, including respecting my teammates and competitors, being kind to followers, not editing any other stories besides for mine, and not changing any part of the overall profile (name, pictures, description, etc.) without a majority vote. Should I break any of these rules, I understand that I will be removed from the team. 


(your name)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2017 ⏰

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