Chapter 3

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It was now evening at the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology in San Fransokyo, and the new Tadashi Hamada Auditorium buzzed with activity of the annual Robotics Expo. Construction had finished recently on the expansive, well-ventilated building.

 Hiro, a Japanese American young teen with messy black hair and black and purple hero outfit, sat in a folding chair behind a large piece of experiment, his sturdy helmet in his lap. He briefly examined the plexiglass face shield of the helmet while deep in thought, then donned it and used its built-in communication feature.

"Hey Wasabi. Anything?" he inquired quietly.

"Nothing suspicious," Wasabi said, then sighed in a bit in admiration.  "Just some cool cleaning robots," he added over his helmet com to Hiro and the others patched in. The young man was powerfully built and wore his hair in dreadlocks. He wore light green upper body armor, blue pants, a red headband, and a wide red belt.

He'd watched a presentation on advanced cleaning robots from backstage with interest. Now that was cool, he thought in admiration as the brother and sister team who presented smiled at the applause from onlookers.

"Fred, anything outside?" Hiro asked.

The lanky young man with shaggy dirty-blonde hair was seated on the roof of the building. He wore a blue and gold reptilian monster costume with three claws on its hands and feet, three giant gold eyes, four horns, and a spiked tail.

A nearly invisible shimmer in a few feet in width moved at high speed from below- the opposite direction from where Fred looked down.  The cover of darkness actually made it completely undetectable from a distance.

"All clear out here, guys," Fred responded in a more serious tone than usual. His family had lent a bit of their substantial financial support to the new fireproof building and he wasn't about to let anyone mess with it or anyone inside. Big Hero 6 had helped around the city a few times after their first fateful adventure and they were ready for trouble today.

"Go Go?" asked Hiro.

"Nothin'," she replied just inside the entrance near a few policemen. A few students waved to her, and she smiled back slightly in return with a small wave. The athletic young Korean American woman with short hair was dressed in her yellow and black armor, Mag Lev disks magnetically attached to her back. She rolled about on magnetic disks attached near her feet with practiced ease.

"Good. Same for me everyone," Hiro said, and looked over the activity on the west side of the building. A smartly dressed teacher with grey hair and glasses waved in appreciation to Hiro.

Despite everyone's experiments being screened, Hiro had walked this side of the expo to see if any looked suspicious. Baymax, a large white marshmallow man-like robot with two black eyes and no mouth, wore his red armor and was hidden beneath a black sheet against the wall. Hiro didn't want them to distract from the event itself too much though, which explained Baymax's discreet situation.

Hiro had asked permission of the head of the Expo for Big Hero 6 to attend. Though there was an impressive show of security due to the tragedy of last year, a public appearance of the heroes would likely help ease attendees' concerns even more. Also, Big Hero 6 could assist in case security couldn't handle a special kind of threat.

After all, this was their school.

"Honey Lemon?" Hiro asked.

The tall young blonde wore a pink-magenta mini-dress with long black sleeves and leggings, and like the others, wore a helmet. She also sported a purse with a strap made of colorful balls. "Okay over here," she replied warily in her light voice.

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