Prologe/intro thingy

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"She's turning 16 Charles.... we can't let her go! Not while she doesn't understand the dangers of the tribal people! You know what she'll do! She's stubborn and relentless, she'll go to the tribes and they'll kill her Charles! They'll kill our only child! We can't let her go!"

"Liz, we can't keep her here, you know that. We're barely able to keep her at home as it is. Once she turns 16, by tradition she is to leave the family to live, for a time, on her own. We both did it, our parents did it, and for generations back, and they all survived. Shifters have survived encounters with tribal people before, she will be okay."
"Liz, she will be fine. Now go to sleep, it's late. Tomorrow Kimi turns 16 and there will be a lot to do in the morning to make sure she's prepared"
"You know I couldn't sleep now! Not when I'm worrying about my daughters safety!"
"Try to anyway dear"

Charles and Liz are the parents of Kimi, they're one of few remaining Shifter families. Shifters are resented by the tribal people of the plains, and no contact between the two has occurred in many generations. They faded into each others myths, becoming mystical monsters to one, and an ancient threat to the other.

When the Europeans discovered this 'new world' they also discovered the tribal people, calling them Native Americans. Since the Shifters were believed to be nothing but legend the the natives, no one thought that they actually existed. Becoming nothing but terrible monsters to the Europeans.

So what happens when this fragile belief of monsters and demons being nothing but fable is shattered? What would happen if a fabled 'monster' enter the midst's of 'civilized' human beings?



What do you think of it??? Does it sound good?? Would you continue reading it if I were to write more chapters? I really want to write this but I don't know if its actually a good idea for a story or not.  Please tell me what you think! 

also to other writers, how much planning do you put into your books? like do you just kinda like free for all till your done then go back and edit it, or do you like write out the plot first then write? please let me know I'm interested in what other people who write do so yeah, till next chapter i guess bye~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2018 ⏰

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