Capture p1

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Chapter Twenty: Capture, part I

June 25th

Dear Kushina,

Thank you for the package of oshizushi. A few even survived the handling of my subordinates to get to me. I'll be lining them up later to check for sticky fingers and punishing accordingly. (Any suggestions?)

How are things? Not much has changed here. Apparently it's summer but you couldn't say for sure. The roof of my cabin is still leaking snow in, though one of the new recruits offered to fix it by lying across the gap in the roof at night. Not sure he was joking.

My next leave is in four weeks, from the 29thth to the 3rd. Want to do anything special?

Love, Minato

June 28th


You're always complaining about the cold, so I'm enclosing a scarf for you. Since it's summer you might as well have one of mine while I'm not using it. And don't punish your guys too harshly. From how you describe the food up there, I don't blame them for filching yours. Commanders should share with their less fortunate subordinates, right?

Things are ok here. I gave the Bloody Habanero back to Yoshi because I think she's been too lonely without the Yellow Flasher. I'd have given her to Kakashi, but Sakumo-sensei's down on pets. He keeps going on about Kakashi's allergies. Fair point. That kid does wheeze a lot around animals.

Everything else is fine. I had a mission with Ren and it's still really awkward. I was hoping we could still be friends but it's harder than I thought. But so far so good, no death threats. Your friend Ai has started to ignore me completely these days, so that's an improvement at least.

If you can manage it, can you be back on the 27th? That's when the big summer festival is being held. You can win me some goldfish to replace Habanero and the Flasher

Lots of love, Kushina xxx

July 1st

Dear Kushina,

Thank you for the scarf. It smells like you and I've received many compliments about how well it matches my eyes. Herein I enclose a token of my own affection.

Might be able to make the 27th. Depends on when my temp substitute gets here. I'll get back to you on that.

Love, hugs and kisses, Minato

ps. No goldfish for you. I was banned from those stalls when I was ten of account of cleaning them out too many times.

July 3rd


Please stop sending me your underwear.

Love, Kushina.

July 4th

Dear dearest Kushina,

Send me a pair of yours and then we'll be even. If not, please return the pair I sent you. It's been draftier than I thought it would be without them.

Signed, Minato

ps. I saw this flower and it made me think of you. Enjoy.

July 8th


Find pants enclosed. Thank you for the pressed snowdrop, but what about it reminded you of me?

Hugs and kisses, Kushina

July 11th

Dear Kushina,

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