i love you forever and always - Michael

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listen to Say Something - A great big world


        "Im really going to miss you michael" I say while him a big hug.  You and Michael are at the airport because michale and the rest of 5 Seconds of Summer were living ot go on tour in America.                             "I will miss you Y/N, im going to miss you so much" Michale say while tears form you your eyes.  This was the first time you guys were going to be away from each other so you were both really upset.

"Flight 218 is boarding" the man said on the speaker.

 "well thats my flight....I love you forever and always Y/N, Please dont forget me." Michael said while hugging you and kissing you goodbye.  "I could never forget you silly, And i love you too so much..goodbye sweetie."


"It has been a really boring day today but very exciting day" I thought to myself while look out the window at the rain, waiting for Michaels plane to come in.

  *ring ring* I heard the phone ring and i got up slowly to answer

"Hello?" I asked "Hello is this Y/N?" The voice on the other side of the phone asked "Yes this is she who is this may i ask?" i asked with question in my voice, this is the first phone i have recieved since Michael left.  "This Olivia from Royal London Hospital, Your boyfriend michal was transported here this morning from a plane crash that happen this morn..." I dropped the phone mid sentance and grabbed my keys and left to get to the hospital as fast as i could.  As soon as i reach the hospital i ran inside and asked where he was "Room 135" the nurce side while i said thank you and ran.  Once i reached the door i saw Calum, Ashton, and Luke sitting on the ground crying. I saw a sign on the door saying do not come in, I had tears running down my face non stop at this point "Where is he? Is he ok?" I asked as Ashton walked up to me slowly " Y/N Im so sorry b-but he is...gone" Ashton said while starting to cry once again." NO THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE, PLEASE NO MICHAEL" I screamed while running in the room.  When i opened the door there he was, Laying there tubes running in and out of his mouth and bruses and cuts all over his face.   :Im sorry ma'am but he is gone, Im so sorry for your loss" She told me while putting the white sheet over his head "NO MICHAEL PLEASE NO! I LOVE YOU COME BACK PLEASE" I said as Calum caught me before i fell to the floor. "Im so sorry Y/N, Im so sorry"

----2 YEARS LATER----

Dear Michael,

   Hello sweetie! i hope you are doing ok..I really miss you, nothing is the same with you gone.Ashton, Luke, Calum, and I all moved in together for the mean timebut no one ever really talks to each other much anymore. Ashton is not himself, he is never happy and is always cring at night and always asks himself why it wasnt him that died and why you had to leave us.  Luke has been going to therapy for about a year now and has started to self harm, he doesn't know that i know but i have seen his scars. Calum never talks to us; He sits there on his bed everday and listens to either his music or old voice mails you sent him. He also has stopped eating and i have tried to help but he just gets violent now.  And me, well my panic attacks and anxity have come back and nothing helps it anymore. I tried going to therapy but its all the same Just let him go it will be ok even though its not.  I really wish you were here with us Michael i really do.  I miss you so much sweetie and hope to see you soon. Goodbye...I love you forever and always                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Love, Y/N

I hope you guys have enjoyed! This is my first imagine so if its bad im sorry. If you liked it please like and comment. Love you all:)

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