Chapter 9- not all angels are nice

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Generally I'm not one for nervous habits. However my thumbnail seems to be permanently glued to my teeth.

After arriving at the b wing, Charlie handed me over to another angel who then cuffs my wrist to a mediocre wooden chair. Panic glitters red hot through my burning cheeks once Charlie leaves the sterile room. This isn't part of the plan. He is supposed to stay with me every step of the way! The angel grins devilishly at me. His teeth look as if they have been sharpened into razor points ready to snap me up and gobble me down. His eyes don't looks any less menacing either. The way his shimmering blond hair falls in tangled knots in front of them gives him an aggressive air.

"The witches will definitely not be disappointed." He hisses. He shoves his face in front of mine. His breath is rancid, like rotting rats in acid. He licks his lips eagerly. My eyes grow wider. "Hell if they didn't need your blood I'd have you for myself." The metal of the handcuff is cool against my tensed wrist, pinching it every now and then. I lean back as far as the wooden chair allows. His grimy hand reaches out to caress my face.

"What do you want from me." I glare at him. My hands start to shake violently.

"Oh if only you knew the power you posess." He says. His finger starts to ever so slowly trace my lips. The smell of rotten fish is so strong it's starting to make me dizzy.

Before he can realise what's happening, my teeth clamp down onto his bones finger. The angels scream is deafening as he rears back. The angel cradles his finger, wincing through the pain. The terrible metallic taste of blood fills my mouth making me cough and gag.

Footsteps come running towards us. Theo marches angrily into the room followed by a worried looking Charlie.

"What in the devils name is going on here!" Theo growls. His half shaved hair falls into his eyes as he stalks over to the angel of which I bit. "I thought I told you to watch it! I didn't actually mean for you to watch that closely!" He yells. Theo grabs the angels hand and examines his finger. "It's fine. The worst that could happen would be if it festers and you have to get it chopped off." The angels face paled.

"Chopped off?" He gulps.

"Indeed." He says. "Just go away. Report to your master. I don't really care just get out of my sight." The angel nods before scampering out of the room.

Theo turns to me. "Oh you have no idea, how long I've been waiting for this moment." His eyes glint mischievously.

"What are you talking about?" I ask. My voice shakes and wavers violently.

"I've been watching you every day for years. Waiting for the perfect moment."

"Wh-what?" Horror tears through me like a one way ticket to the nearest haunted house.

"Three years." He says. His voice shakes with unshed anger. "Three years I had to put up with that stupid name! I mean who the hell would saddle their cat with such stupid fucking name!" Theo yells. He's so angry I can practically see smoke coming out of his ears.

"Wait. Let's take a few steps back here." Charlie speaks up. "You were Amelia's cat?" Theo glares daggers at Charlie.

"Did I ask for your opinion?" His tone is calm but harsh as if he's about to snap Charlie into thousands of tiny pieces.

"No sir." Charlie's eyes avert to the floor.

"Yes. I know how stupid it sounds to you Charlie. Your fearless leader is a cat in his spare time! Go on laugh! Laugh until you can laugh no more. Because I'll tell you something now Charlie. There's always things that you have to do. This is one of those things." Sounding more like a mad man then ever, Theo finally finishes his rant. He turns his attention back to me. "We might as well get started then shall we?" He grins. "Charlieous fetch me the syringe."

"No." Charlie juts his chin out defiantly.

"What did you just say?" Theo sneers.

"I said no theolius." Charlie says. Faster than I can blink, Theo has Charlie up against the wall.

"Don't call me that!" He yells. "You are mine! You do as I say. You do not say no to me." The small distraction gives me time to reach into my pocket with my free hand. I unfold the crumpled piece of paper and dig deeper into my pocket pulling out a snapped off pencil lead. I scribble over the centaur drawing as fast as I can before Theo's head snaps around.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" He stalks over, snatching the paper from my hand. "No. Do you have any idea what you just did?" His black eyes widened with anger and disbelief.

"I have every idea in the world." I spit out. A loud crack rings throughout the room. My cheek stings as I press my hand to it in shock.


Hola :) I hope you liked the plot twists :) I'm sick so I thought I would update now :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2014 ⏰

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