Chapter Six

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Marth tossed and turned in his bed, sweat rolling off of his brow.

He was dreaming of being on a long winding road next to empty fields. Dark storm clouds boomed overhead with thunder, lightning flashing in the distance. The tall man walking towards him. Marths instinct was to run. But as with dreams, the faster he ran, the closer he got to the man until finally, the mans hand wrapped around his throat lifting him off the ground. the man laughed "Im coming for you" the man said he threw Marth to the ground and lifted his boot laughing maniacally.

Just as he was about to die, he was shook awake. He jolted upwards to see liesel sitting next to him concerned. Marth sighed and lay back. "im sorry if i woke you" she said. "you were screaming and it looked like you were having a horrid dream" Marth took a deep breath before replying. "yeah. it was pretty bad" He looked away from her. She looked at him caringly, then set her hand carefully on his leg. "It will be okay. " She smiled at him. Marth couldnt help what happened next. He reached over wrapping his arm around her waist pulling her close, and kisses her roughly but passionately.  She softly gasped but closed her eyes, wrapping her arms around his neck. He pulled her closer, She was basically on top of him at this point. He rubbed her thigh carefully sliding up her dress. Leisel bit her lip her breath hitching. Marth laid her next to him and continued kissing her almost as if her lips were some kind of drug. She smiled tugging his hair as He pulled a blanket over them and continued his work. The sun was just starting to rise when Roy walked in and discovered the pair snuggled in eachothers arms sleeping peacefully. He smirked at them and closed the door, going to take care of the chores.

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