Perverted X Magician

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*Kiana P.O.V.*

I felt a bit of guilt for leaving Kurapika back there with Hisoka, but the look on Kurapika's face told me he'd be fine. Leorio, I'm not so sure of. The much-too-serious adult with anger issues was possibly dead, but if he was he surely deserved it for charging at Hisoka alone with only a stick.

I'd been running for a few minutes now, but I had absolutely no idea which way I was supposed to go. As far as I knew, this part of the exam wasn't over just yet. The fog made it harder to decide which way to go, each path hiding unknown dangers I wasn't exactly eager to face. I could feel eyes on me, studying my movements. I stop to rest, wanting a moment to think over my options. Sure, I could use my Nen, but I still didn't know where to go. 

A bird drew my attention from the tree directly above me, it's call sounding like the terrified scream of a young girl. "Help me! Help me!" the bird cried. It was a good sized bird, long tail feathers resembling those of a peacock. The bird's eyes were a light pink, standing out against it's dark grey body and white beak. 

It tilted it's head to the side, waiting to see what I'd do. I reached into a pocket, pulling out a toy I hadn't played with in a long time. I placed the small soldier onto the ground, backing away a few steps. My hand focuses on sending Nen to the toy, and I raise my arm as if pushing it in the direction of the bird. "Toy Soldier." I whisper.

The soldier wastes no time holding his small gun up, firing rapidly at the bird. As the bullets leave the small gun, they grow to be as big as a normal bullet. The bullets pierce the bird's chest first, eventually obliterating it into nothing. I pick the small soldier back up and place him into my pocket, patting it as if to congratulate him.

It felt good, watching the bird die. It had felt better watching those men die. Their blood was now on my hands and, though I should be overwhelmed with guilt, I feel excited. I crave to see it again. Their unbelieving faces, the beautiful liquid running from their necks to the ground. Their heads rolling.

I feel my body humming in happiness, noticing the bloodlust pushing away from my body into the surrounding area. It's thick and cloudy, an emerald green. I pull it back in, locking it away inside of my chest. I'd lost my mind for a moment, and I deeply regretted doing so. 

Part of me wants to believe they deserved it, to believe they were terrible people, but something seemed off. Hisoka was more the murderous type than anyone, and yet I'd let him live. He looked like he ran off of blood and magic, a combination of the two running through his very veins.

A sudden dizziness swept over me and I prop my arm up onto the tree, leaning into the wooden trunk of it. Hopefully the trees don't kill people, but if they did I doubted I'd be ready.

"Are you lost, little fruit? Perhaps I could help you out here." his smooth voice said, causing me to jump slightly. I breathe out, closing my eyes. 

"Oh, it's just you." I said calmly, a hand on my neck.

Hisoka pretended to be offended, placing a hand over his chest. "Just me? You wound me, Kia-chan! Are you not happy to see me?"

"Maybe I would be, but now we'll never know." I shrug, crossing my arms and leaning back against the tree.

"And here you had me believing you enjoyed my company." He moved closer, his hand braced against the tree beside my head. My green eyes trailed along his not too muscular arm, tracing the outline of his neck and jaw, before meeting his sharp golden ones. His lips curled up into an amused smile and I find myself unable to breathe properly.

He leaned his face closer, giving a quiet chuckle when our noses just barely touched. "Is something the matter, little fruit? You do remember how to breathe, don't you?"

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