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This is a infected AU so this is going to be pure angst. Also warning for death and a few other things, so if your sensitive then don't go through this. I'm writing this from a role play so yay!

In 1877 a disease spread across the world. This disease was worst than the Black Plague, killing people at a faster pace. Leaving many nations infected, they named it Deluxor.

Currently there was a meeting in Germany to see which countries were infected and those who weren't. There was yelling and sobbing as people were being convicted, making a crazed gloomy atmosphere loom over the building.Some nations stood back from the chaos, including Roderich Edelstein or better known as the personification of Austria.

Austria stood straight since he was a empire for the time being. He decided not to wear anything too fancy and wear some black slacks with a white collar shirt. He also had a dark purple vest.
As the meeting continued, he started to wonder was Hungary was, his wife. Looking for his wife among the countries where she might be with, but he came empty handed. Worry rose through him, if they don't meet up soon their empire would crumble since he hasn't seen her for months due to his boss orders.

Outside the building was a man name Gilbert Beilschmidt walking next to the meeting place.
He looked ragged, his clothes unkempt with dirt and dust covering him. His shoes torn and worn out with his laces falling out with ripped edges. Gilbert sighted weakly as he walked down the gravel sidewalk. He watched a few people walk by and a kids playing games as he stumbled every so often. He quietly stood tall as he stumble past the playing children. He desperately tried to loo like the honorable country he once was. Prussia coughed into his sleeved roughly before sighting tiredly. He looked around as he leaned on the wall as he slowly walked. After a few minutes, he finally gave up and slid down the wall and prompted himself up weakly.

Roderich left the building, knowing she wasn't there. As he stepped outside he strapped on a disposable mask and saw a coughing Prussia. While Gilbert watched at the ground blankly as he wheezed and coughed into his elbow.
"Gilbert...?" He asked cautiously as he got a good look at him. Gilbert looked at him slowly, he tilted his head roughly. It was getting harder to recognize people as the disease grew.
"It's me... Roderich the one you always made fun of," he said strained as he looked at his dying friend. Gilbert looked at him and blinked before giving one of his old wide grins.
"Oh, Roddy...Haven't see-" he coughed roughly once again.
"Gilbert this isn't funny!" He argue worrily and took out a medicine bottle that would help him, then skid it to him. He huffed as he opened the bottle,
"I know... medicine won't help shit," he said before taking a few.
"I know, but at least it would help temporary!" He exclaimed as he was a bit hysterical. Since all the people he knew and cared for were going into isolation or were dying before him. The Prussian just rolled his eyes, before leaning back into the wall with a weak sight. He was glad that Gilbert stop coughing, now all he could hope is that there was a cure. The albino quietly looked at him,
"You need something?" He grins at him weakly.
"No Gilbert, just stay fine please," he politely told him as he took a worry glance.
"I'm ever fine! How about we go to the tavern, eh?" He said as he got up to his feet and stumble a bit, but he had a grin plaster on his face.
"Gilbert you know I don't like going to taverns, plus you can never hold your liquor," he said a bit annoyed from his request.
" I can!" Gilbert huffed as he stumble towards him,
"C'mon!" He grabbed his shoulder and began to pull him, but he barely even pulled since he was so weak. Austria looked around to see some people staring at them and saw Gilbert wasn't wearing a mask like everyone else. Taking one of those extra disposable masks from his pocket and put it on him," There." Prussia huffed at the mask and stumble a bit again before regaining his balance.
"Let's go!" He tugged him towards the tavern near by.
"Gilbert will look weird at you since you been here for a bit without a mask, I think it's better you not," he said sternly as if Gilbert was a child. The Prussian continues to tug at him in hopes to still go to the tavern. That's when the chocolate haired man realized Gilbert was pulling at him and he wasn't budgeting.
"I'm suppose to be weaker than you!" He shout whispered,scared at the fact on what was happening.
"You're still weaker than me!!" He argue loudly as he frown as he kept pulling at him at his shoulder. Huffing as he tried to ignore the fact he was using all his strength and he wasn't making any process.
"Even with all your strength, you can't push me!" He hold onto Gilbert who was weakly pulling at him. The man glared at him,
"That's because I'm too awesome to push you because you have feet to use them!" He declared, he totally wasn't listening to him him even though he knew Austria was right. Roderich though what to do with his dear friend and he thanked quickly as he could with the best solution he could think.
"Let's get you to a secured place, so you can rest up," he said as he put himself and his people at risk because of him. Gilbert huffed in stubbornness,
"Nein!" He pouted as he grumbled out the small word, after all he didn't wanted to look weak.
"Yes!" He sternly spoke to him and started to pull at him, forcing the other man to go with him.
Prussia pouted as he tried to resisted his pull, but the other man was stronger than him to his disappointment. He looked down with a wheezy sight in sorrow defeat.
" Fine..." he sighted to him as he sat one of his hands on his stomach with a flinch.
"Come we must go quickly, if not people will kill you since you're showing the other signs of the disease," He sibilate to him as he looked around in paranoid. Gilbert titled his head to Austria as he nodded to him but was confused at his last words.

That's it for chapter one! Hope y'all like it and I'm open to criticism.

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