Chapter 3- Meeting Cindy and Kathy

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Julia and I went to the cafeteria to order  our breakfast. There were 2 girls who looked friendly in the line, so I asked her to order my breakfast and Julia ask the other one, they both knew each other and accepted to order our breakfast. We stood at the side of the line and waited for them.
Finally, they got the ticket and we collected the food instead of them, they were happy we got such a stress off them. We got through quicker than we have expected, and sat at one of the desks by ourselves. Julia went over and asked “Do you wanna join us??” They said “Fine.” We introduced ourself, “Am Cindy Bromfeild and this is Katherine Wimpsy” said Cindy.. Katherine then waved, You can call me kat for short.. Julian and I then introduced ourselves. “Am Staci-ann Gromsey, preferably if you call me Stacy and this is Julian David, she said it is fine if you call her julie or julia”...

“Aahhm, so guys arn't we gonna eat up this cheese sandwich?” said julian. But first let us bless the food. “Dear alimighty God, thank you providing our meal, am asking you kindly if you can bless it, let it give us strength while it goes through our body, Amen” Cindy prayer.. Amen everyone replied..

After we ate, we threw about the crumbs and returned the trays.. “julian and I are in room 87, how about you guys?” I asked. “OMG, you must be kidding, were in 85, were not even far away!! ” “You guys can come over anytime” julia said.

                  KATHY'S P.O.V 
Julia and Staci-ann seems fun, they even invited us over like , soooooooo sooon!!!!💜💕❤, I like them.
Cindy and kathy ran and jumped onto the bed, making it creek and Julia and I sat at the edge. They really like our room more than theirs. I told them maybe their room just needed a makeover. By the way Kathy, did you change your sheets and pillow case? “Daah”
      Julia: Gurls!!, Dont you think we should go and get ready for our classes?
Cindy: Absolutely..
Kathy and cindy ran to their room to have bath, so did Julia and I... Julia then rushed out of the bathroom, finished bathing, so i went directly after her. She got dressed in a blue half-top blouse, a black shorts and a blue sneakers. I wore a blue half-top blouse, a white shorts and blue sneakers.
      The door knocked 2 times, I ran to see who it was. It was the girls.. “Come in” I said. Kathy was dressed as me and Julia as Cindy. We grabbed our knapsacks and ventured off to our classes, we then split up for we wernt in the same classes.
Everyone stood up and introduced themself, there was this girl name Anna- Stacia Jokinna kept giving me evil eyes. She has alot of attitude and I dont like her ugly looks either. It stinks!!!!👣

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