Chapter 22

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The Alliance

Part 2


Ever since the hijacking of Air Force One of Nation Phalanx, This being the first time a star jet let allow one that carries a nation's president, got taken over by enemy forces might I remind you, security across the main nation worlds of the UNSS has tightened passed the line of 'overbored'.

Let me give you an example. Before, outer members of the First Family used to be able to live inside the White House with the front command family. That's not the case anymore.

The residences of the main White House building now only include me, my sister and brothers and our parents. But to say the truth, my siblings don't really live with me anymore. But I'll get into that in a minute. Anyway yes. No more teen or kid housing floors. Those levels have been refitted to hold more government offices.

Now, all my family that used to live there are residing in the newly built Gated Community encircling in a large oval shape around the White House. There are three gated and black fenced in the district you go through before getting to the center was the White House is located.

The outer section for the, not that important member of my family, the middle section is for the mildly important governmental heads of the nation. My cousin Taylor and Kadi's family live here too, along with Max, Jax, Jaeke, and also my older siblings partners all live in this section. (I don't know how or why but this middle section is also where my close friends, Cody and Sofia live here too). And the inner section where the like the Vice President, Secretary of Defense, Cabinet members. All those types of my family live their enclosed by the White House.

Nowadays all my commanding governmental family is super busy always at either the Capitol Building or Pentagon, Here in the grant, capital city of the Nation, Metric City. While they're there and I'm not on a mission it leaves me time to wonder all about this circular fence community.

Like I said, my other brothers and sister live in the White, or I should say they still have their rooms there but, not they really live in the middle section. Stacey Lives with Alex, Tess lives with Tanner, and Zac with Gabriella, Leaving me, just a bit longer. But hey. Everyone has to leave to nest at some point right?

Oh, yea. I was really excited after hearing my idea for a starship cruise plan was approved, even the Chancellor saw it! I didn' even think that old hag kept up on First Son or Daughter Idea.

Besides that point, the one thing I asked was that all the credit for the idea got to the Kid Advisor sec. I didn't feel like being known for that type of attention Ya know. This First Son likes to keep in the shadow at most times.

It's a been a few mouth and me personnel still have a lot of unsolved mysterious on my mind.

Who Texted Alex at the hotel that night we arrived on the Design Nations.

Oh, I saw a little bit of it. One Word.


Strange right? Could it mean Reaper?

I don't know. I still wonder what the UNSS plans are for dealing with the Reaper threat to humanity. How's it all gonna end? Are there even bigger threat we still don't see?

Well for now until I come up with something I'll just stick to the Qantas Division of Starfleet, Saving People in my Q-bird.

For you? I think it's time for a new look at Starfleet of the United Nation Solar System.


Garik POV

Stardate 8.7.5015

I let out an annoyed sigh, gripping the control yoke of the Q-bird and tapping in an evasive maneuver onto the cracked blue interface screen slanted in front of me on the flight deck of the damaged ship.

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