Interview 3

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Address your lovely readers

I just want to thank my readers... Without them my words would just be scribbles on paper. They make it all come together.

What you would liked to be known as? 

Sayden Odor

1) How did you discover Wattpad? 

 I was surfing the web for websites with free books on them to read. I stumbled upon Wattpad and I have been hooked since.

2) How long have you been on Wattpad? 

 About a year now

3) Any Wattpad thoughts? 

Not quite sure how to answer this one lol. I love Wattpad. It brings my story to people that have a similar interest. Makes my characters people and my thoughts into actions. 

4) Whats your read or to write? 

I am a reader at heart. I will always make time for a good book. But writing completes me.

5) How many books have you began? 

 I have one completed book, Isolation and I have started on the follow up novel which is titled Aftermath. I also have a non fiction book called Blackbird.

6) Have you finished any books, if so how many? 

Isolation is complete. Took me forever, but I finally finished it.

7) Anything you think could improve wattpad? 

 Better promotion for the beginning writers. I wasn't always in the top 10 in the book world of Wattpad. Its hard for the beginners, they can get discrouraged easily thinking people arent interested in their books.  

8) Do you have any books in the Watty Awards? 

I have Isolation which has been nominated for it.

9) If so did you win any thing?

I have won as a cover artist on Watty Awards, but that is it. 

10) Tell us about one of your stories? 

 Isolation, my completed story, is a book that anyone can related too. Male and female alike. As you read you feel like you are going through the interactions she has with her.

11)Why did you choose wattpad compared to other sites? 

It has more stories that aren't just fan fiction. It gets annoying seeing only stories about Harry Potter and Twillight on sites.

12) Have you ever written books on other sites? 

 Yes, Figment.

13) Do you personally know anyone that has written any books on wattpad? If so did they have a successful experience?  

No, I am the only Author that I know of that is on here.

The Fun(ner) questions

1) Your favorite type of pizza? 

 Stuffed crust deep dish jalapenos and peperoni with extra cheese... yeah buddy 

2) The best color in the world!? 

 black like my soul!!!!!!!!!!! No, I'm just picking... My favorite color this week is purple and lime green. 

3) Favorite wattpad character? 

 I'm cocky so I would have to say my own character Lennon :) 

4) Best wattpad book? 

 I really enjoy The Survivors and Sinister Twin Sister

5) Favorite song? or band. 

My favorite song is Blackbird by the Beatles

6) Favorite author? (not on wattpad) 

Stephen King

7) Favorite book? (not on Wattpad) 

 Room by Emma Donaghu 

8) Words you absolutely adore! 

Yeah Buddy 

9) Words you HATE! 

 Negative words about anyone different. Equal rights are what everyone should agree on.

10) Whats your favorite animal? 

 My pet snake Squidwart, hes a snow corn snake... I love him

(picture of the breed of snake...only because snakes are just that awesome and cool!) 

11) Are you a Cat person or a dog person? 

 Im a animal without hair lover lol. I have a fear of hair...

12) Complete the story! in 15 sentences or less! :)

Once upon a time all the fish swam in the deep blue water gliding effortlessly through it's swift currants. But one fish fell short of their skill, she had a long lanky tall with two huge fins on the end of her tail. She often pondered about her ugly long tail and create parables in her head on how she became this way such as why she had physical differences from the other fish. Her name was Guppy, and she didn't understand why she had yellow stuff atop her head unlike the other fish which all just had shinny sparkling scales, but she only had scales on the bottom half of her body. The top half of her body was white and soft, and looked nothing like the other fish. She knew she was different but she didn't know why. She went home that night and cried, her mother who was in the other room heard her and came to her bedside asking, "Why are you crying my dear?" "Because I am different. All the other fish in my school pick at me and call me names because I am different. Why mother, why am I different?" Her mother thought for a second and then said, "Because you are different my dear. You see, we found you when you were just an egg, resting at the bottom of the ocean. We took you home and we didn't realize what you were till you had hatched, and we loved you, and even if you are different you are still our child as we are your parents." Guppy looked confused as she tried to let everything sink in. "Then what am I mother?" She asked quietly. "You are what used to be a great ocean species, but you are the last of your kind my dear." Her mother said quietly. "Well what am I then?" Guppy asked? "Your kind was kind Pharlack. Your kind came from the great land of Egypt. Tales say that Pharaoh had all of the Hebrew children to be thrown into the Red Sea, and Posidean, the God of the sea was so greif stricken for to have never had children and saved them. Giving the gift of breath underwater, and making them part fish as to survive. But dear your species has been all but gone. Your parents must have tried to save their eggs when the great battle took place and have hidden you where you couldnt be find by the evil ones." Her mother said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2012 ⏰

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