Nightmares and a new life

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                                                                                Y/N P.O.V

      I watched the horrific scene unfold in front of me, all of the


     was sickening. Mom is lying limp on the ground surrounded in a pool of


     Dad is hovering over her body with a knife in his hands, covered with Mom's


     I then watch in horror as he looks at me with tears of regret and sorrow in his eyes and shoves the bloodied knife into his throat, spraying 


     everywhere. I continue to stare in shock and horror at the two bodies of my beloved parents lying on the carpet,their clothes and the carpet now stained with




     I wake up with a start, beads of sweat rolling down my face. I look down to see my hands trembling, "another nightmare..." I whisper to myself in a shaky voice, "just another nightmare". I notice that everyone is staring at me, I then realize I must've screamed in my sleep, I feel my cheeks heat up and then turn away. I look outside the window of the train car I'm in to see the large river glistening in the early morning light.

     "has it really been two weeks?, it feels like it happened yesterday" I whisper sadly to myself. Just then, the intercom comes on "ATTENTION PASSENGERS. WE WILL BE ARRIVING AT RAIRAKKU STATION SHORTLY"

    I gather my suitcases and go to the front of the car waiting at the door. The train then slows down to a stop and the door opens letting in the bright sunlight. The passengers scrambles out quickly, while I slowly walk around to take in my new surroundings.

      I continue to wonder when I suddenly see a women standing in front of a car holding a sign that said "Y/N L/N" on it.  I walk over to her, she had H/C hair, the same that me and my mother shared, with bright blue eyes and looked to be about in her 30's. "hello!" She cheered in a happy but soft voice, " oh, look how much you've grown! I haven't seen you since you were in diapers!" she reached out her hand for me to shake "you probably don't remember me but I'm your Mom's twin sister, Winrabelle! but you can just call me Aunt Winry!" she exclaimed, I then shake her hand. "well then let me take you home! I already have a room set up for you so all you have to do is unpack!".

     I then put my suitcases in the car and get in the passengers side while Aunt Winry gets in and starts the car. "OH! and one more thing, I already got you enrolled into the local high school! it starts in two months! aren't you excited to have a fresh start and make new friends!!" she announced happily, I then perk up after hearing that I then grow a wide smile "really?! thank you Aunt Winry! whats it called?" I asked excitedly

     "It's the same one that me and your mother went to, Scout Rebellion High!"

Author-chan: Hi everyone! sorry it took so long to make the first chapter I was busy doing stuff this week and sorry the chapter is kinda short, I just didn't want to be one of those kinda people who make super long chapters and I worried a bit to much but I hope you enjoyed it! I was eating a baked potato while making this so I was a bit distracted...I'll try to update at least once a week so don't freak out, okay? 

Author-chan OUT!

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