Nightmares and Black Cat

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      We arrive at a small house after a 10 minute drive, which neighbors a small shop by the name of "Dameron's Teahouse" odd. "well this is it! what do you think? it's small, but it's home!" she said enthusiastically. I look at the small house, it had light grey siding with a black roof it was quite small and was 1 story high, unlike the apartment me and my parents used to live in, which was on the 5th floor. "I think it's quite charming." I replied with a smile. We walked in to  immediately be greeted by a black Cat with vibrant blue eyes sitting on the coffee table.

      "Mrowr~"  the cat meowed happily, she walked up to me while I crouched down to pet her "tehe, she always gets excited when a new guest arrives!" Aunt Winry giggled, "this is Popsicle, my wittle kitty-witty!~" she cooed, Popsicle then walked over to her and my weird Aunt continued to baby talk her, I sweatdropped as this was going on and decided to look around the house.

      I walked into the living room which was separated from the kitchen by an island counter top.The living room had a small red sofa with claw marks here and there, but was relatively clean, and with a coffee table that had water rings from lack of coasters to put drinks on and a TV sat on a table that had a couple cat toys on it.

      I then opened a pink door with bunnies painted on that had the name "Winrabelle" on it, when I opened the door you could have swore that a unicorn barfed all over this room, The carpet was cotton candy pink and a white dresser sat next a window with magenta curtains, the bed was 10% pillows and sheets, and 90% stuffed animals, a posh cat bed sat next to the bed, surrounded by toy mice, I deadpanned at the sight of this room "why am I not surprised..." I thought to myself.

      I then decided to ask where my room was, "Oh! it's to the left!" Aunt Winry replied, almost as if she just remembered that I was here. I walk up to a navy blue door with roses painted on,and I froze when I saw what was written on the door... "Izzabelle" mother's name. I then snapped out of it when a hand rests on my shoulder, I look to my right to see Aunt Winry looking at me with a sad expression, for the time that I've met her, I have never seen her frown until now,        "s-sorry" she said sadly, "Me and your mother grew up here, and when our grandma who raised us passed away, I just couldn't bear to sell it, and I couldn't bring myself to paint over this door..." I looked up to see her tearing up, so I tried to comfort her, "it's okay Aunt Winry...I miss her too..." "what is your favorite color?" Winry asked.

Author-chan: PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!! I'm super sorry for taking forever but I had my coding class today, and I haven't had a chance to get on my computer so don't be mad, I made this chapter a bit longer than the last one (I think)so I hope you enjoyed!

Author-chan, OUT!!!

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