Remember Your Roots.

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It was early. 

At this time in the morning Noah would usually be still asleep so it was weird getting the bus to the studio when the sun had barely risen. 

Emily had scheduled for Noah and Richelle to show their duet, at 9am, so Richelle told him to be at the studio for 7:30am to practise. He could barely hold his eyes open but after their disastrous rehearsal yesterday, he knew he needed to look ready to go otherwise Richelle would burn him alive.

He got off the bus a stop early, and walked the short walk to the studio, trying to allow the cool morning air to get into his system and bring him to life a little. He took a swig of his protein shake with the hope it would do the same and grimaced at the taste. "Just gotta think of the outcomes..." He muttered to himself and decided he should apply that mantra to the reason he was awake this early. His and Richelle's duet would be flawless by 9am, no doubt.

He pulled on the main doors to Neutral Grounds, ready for the tinkle of the bell above it to ring, but no sound came. The door hadn't even opened. "Hello?" Noah knocked on the glass but realised none of the lights were turned on either. He was hardly surprised; no one goes to a juice bar at half past seven in the morning unless they're crazy people.

Noah pulled out his phone and began texting Richelle, occasionally checking over his shoulder in case one of the staff, or Richelle were on their way.

'Are you here? I'm outside but doors are locked.'

He put his hands in his pockets and sighed, swaying on the spot. His mind was occupied though and he thought back to last night. He had left rehearsal and found Jacquie but she had to go because her mom had arrived to collect her. Jacquie also hadn't replied to any of Noah's texts, so he was starting to question if he had got it wrong, or whether she was playing hard to get.

In his pocket, his phone vibrated and when he eagerly pulled it out he saw Richelle's name pop up, with one new message.

'I'm literally behind you.'

He frowned as he comprehended what it said for a second, then flicked his head around and saw Richelle inside the building. She tilted her head, smiling, and dangled a key ring of around 6 keys at Noah through the glass. It seemed she had managed to get hold of the building's key set to be able to come in this early. Noah had no doubts she had probably already been there for a good hour, just stretching.

She unlocked one of the doors and held it open for him to come in, "Good morning,"

He went through the door and looked back at her; she looked so pleased with herself. She had her leotard on ready to go and was still barefoot so she'd obviously ran from the studio to eagerly let Noah in so they could get practising.

"How long have you been here?" Noah asked Richelle. She locked the doors again and promptly started walking back to the studio as soon as she was done. Noah spun on his heels and followed her as she spoke.

"I've only been here for around half an hour, don't worry I wasn't actually expecting you till eight. I know what you're like." Her ponytail was swinging from side to side as she walked and Noah shook his head while smiling, at the last comment she made. He thanked her as she held the door to Studio A for him and went over to the cupboards they used to put their belongings in to.

He looked confused, "How come we're not in Emily's studio?"

Richelle chuckled, putting the keys on the bench and pulling her hair tie out, running her hands through her hair to get rid of the kink the hair tie had left. Noah was taken aback at the fact she had just chuckled. It wasn't often she laughed to be honest. 

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