Judge of Character

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Studio A was where Michelle's troupe rehearsed. They were known as TNS West. 

It was the studio where the atmosphere was warmer and the passion all the dancers had, bounced off the walls. While Emily's troupe downstairs had impeccable technique and precision, TNS West had energy and fire and all loved what they did. Michelle over heard only yesterday, Emily's dancers complaining about the amount of ballet intensive classes they have had. On the very same day, she heard Henry say how much he thrives in studio A because of the positivity.

Henry was trying to get some new moves perfected, so although Michelle had scheduled rehearsal to start at 10am, he had come in a little earlier. 

Daniel entered studio A and rolled his eyes at the sight of Henry using the space, even though he was one of Emily's choreographers and hadn't intended to use the room. Daniel just wasn't a fan of small talk. "Hi Henry."

Henry got off the floor from holding a freeze and brushed himself down, "Oh, hey Daniel. Did you need this space? I know i didn't officially book it out."

"No, we just need to grab some mirrors, you can carry on doing whatever it is you do." He walked past Henry and didn't look twice at him.

Henry got back on the floor but then looked around, "We?"

Jacquie jogged behind Daniel, trying to catch him up. "Yeah, Jacquie too. Richelle should really help seeing as she's dance captain but she's gone AWOL." 

Jacquie avoided looking at Henry and tilted her head downwards awkwardly. "How many do we need?"

"I'll take two mirrors, you grab one." He lifted the two and his biceps became more prominent as he handled the weight. As quickly and without a care as he had entered, Daniel left while Jacquie tried to work out how to even lift it. She wasn't very strong.

Henry couldn't just leave her to struggle. She may have wronged him and he had over heard some gossip that he hadn't liked the sound of, but he was a good person and would feel bad if he didn't help.

He went into the corner of the room, behind the mats, and Jacquie watched him questionably. Henry held up a flat piece of wood, with wheels on each corner. "You can put this under the mirror and wheel it downstairs."

Jacquie was unsure whether he was trying to embarrass her or actually being helpful. "Okay."

There was a moment of silence where they both looked at each other, until Henry inhaled and walked towards her, admitting, "I heard you talking."

"I talk a lot, you'll have to be more specific." She chuckled and took the wheeled piece of wood from him, putting it on the floor.

Henry tried to explain, as she lifted the mirror and put the base of it on wheels. "You know over there where we put our bags? There was a birthday card left there, that had been written on but not yet sealed."

Jacquie secured the mirror on the wood and put her hands on her waist, she had no time for Henry's chit chat. "And?"

"It was from Noah, to Richelle." Jacquie's face turned and she bit her bottom lip. "I figured he'd want it so i went down to your studio, and intended to just leave it with Emily but you were in there talking to Richelle."

Jacquie suddenly realised what Henry meant and her heart quickened, she had to put up a solid front. She crossed her arms, "So you decided to stalk us? I knew you were weird Henry but this is a little creepy." 

"You know what i mean, you said you wanted her duet, you can't just take it." Henry was annoyed, and a little angry. He hadn't known Richelle long and granted, they had never really spoke, but he knew she didn't deserve to be taken off a dance. She was one of the hardest working dancers he knew. 

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