Working the teen nightclub

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Samantha: Well my boss called me into work tonight so i am working the bar at the club cause he said he needed a bartender i told him i would come in tonight so right now i am working the bar and i spot this guy sitting at the bar so i went up to him to take his order.

Ray Ray: So i am sitting at the bar and this girl walks up to me and says can i take your drink order so i told her what drink i wanted.

Samantha: So i go and get his drink and take it to him and i told him the price of the drink he gave me $50 and he said keep the change and got up and walked off i was just staring at him and then i see my friends walk in the club i go to their table and they Realize it's me.

Larissa: Me and my girl's we was chillin in the teen nightclub and we spot Samantha working the bar so we call her over and we ask her for free drinks and she said yes we was like it's time to turn up.

Samantha: I go back to the bar and get the girls their drinks and i bump into the same boy from the bar he comes up to me and says he want another drink i said i will be right back just have a seat at the bar.

Trisha: We look up and see her coming back with our drinks and we said thank you and she said she will be right back she had to go serve a guy at the bar we said okay .

Alisha: Larissa will you please stop looking at Trisha like that cause you have been mean mugging her all night what is the problem.

Larissa: I want her gone Alisha cause she has been bossing us around since we graduated High School i can't stand it any longer she needs to go.

Alisha: Well Larissa if you want Trisha to stop bossing us around you have to take it up with her cause she is staring you down right now.

Trisha: Larissa come outside now i heard what you told Alisha so that's how you feel about me being you all ring leader you think you can do better than me Larissa imma let you take over my Position imma see can you handle it.

Larissa: I Can do better than you Trisha just watch and see let's go back in the club and drink our drinks.

Trisha: Just remember Larissa you have 5 days to prove to me that you can be a leader if not then you can't be a leader like me now let's go back in the Larissa move it now.

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