Jasmine's House

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Jasmine: I am at home now just got home from the hospital i never knew my Ex-Boyfriend would ever do something like this to me and now i am scared to leave my house even though he is in Jail i am going to the Abortion Clinic to get rid of this baby i am not keeping his baby i can't do it i am getting dressed to leave out as i heading out the door i open the door and i see Ray Ray and Samantha standing at my front door i asked them what they want.

Samantha: I looked at Jasmine and asked her where is she heading to cause she ain't going shopping it something more than that and then i look at her stomach she is pregnant i whispered to my fiance and told him to look at her stomach he looked shocked.

Jasmine: I told them i am going to the Abortion Clinic to abort the baby i told them to move out my way but they didn't instead they pushed me back in the house and asked me why i told them i am keeping a rapist baby and Ray Ray and Samantha said you better keep it cause you will never get a chance to Experince motherhood and i told them i guess i can keep it i asked them to come to my Ultrasound with me and they came with me and i was in the doctor office waiting for my name to be called and my doctor came and called my name and i stood up and told them to come with me to see the baby ultrasound as we was in the back looking at the baby Ray Ray and Samantha was crying they was making me cry i was so excited to see my baby ultrasound.

Ray Ray and Samantha: Well i am glad we got to experince this with you Jasmine just call us if you need anything this our house number remember call us okay we gotta head home and imma still need you in my wedding alright later Jasmine bye.

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