part 10

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Without thinking, she ran up the stairs and thrust her arm forward to catch the door before it shut. "Now, just wait a minute!"
He didn't look surprised nor thrilled as he pulled the door open again. "What?" he asked, not trying to hide the exasperation in his voice.
"Aren't you at least curious to know how I got here?" "No. Why should I be?"
Wow, he's one cold son of a... "If you'll notice, there isn't a gold Lexus in the driveway." She motioned toward the drive like one of those models on The Price is Right. "And why, you might ask, would that be? Because you had mine towed away!" Her model act forgotten in her anger, she put one hand on her hip and poked his chest with the index finger of the other one. "That was a rotten, underhanded thing to do. Did you know I was stranded in a dark parking lot miles from home, cold, hungry, alone? Anything could have happened to me. I could have been kidnapped or raped." When he didn't respond she added, "Aren't you the least bit sorry?"
"Sure I am," he answered slowly, his voice lacking its previously icy edge. He lifted his arm to comb his fingers through his hair. The motion made all kinds of muscles bunch and flex. It was a yummy sight even if she was trying not to notice. "But didn't you know?"
"Know what? Of course I didn't know it was going to be towed. How would I?"
"I left several messages on your machine last night. You didn't call me back this afternoon, so I assumed you were prepared."
The fight left her in a loud huff. "Oh. The machine. I didn't think to check messages this morning."
"Come inside before someone calls the police thinking there's a problem." He caught her hand and pulled her inside, and while she should have been ohhhing and awwwwing at his incredible foyer, all she could do was stare into two impossibly deep, dark eyes and enjoy the buzz of instant arousal his innocent touch sparked. "Did you say you're hungry?" he asked.
"Among other things," she heard herself answer.
"Come on. I'll get you something to eat. What're you in the mood for? The usual? I had a dinner party last night. Have some leftovers."
Her hand in his, and feeling vaguely like she was floating above the ground rather than treading upon it, she followed him down the hall toward the kitchen, asking, "What's the usual?"
"What do you mean?" Reaching for the refrigerator, he glanced over his shoulder. She shrugged. "Just making small talk, I guess." "You're acting weird tonight."
"I am? How? I've hardly spoken."
"Well, that for one. And...I don't know. Besides the food thing, something's different."
"Well, I did just suffer a scare from finding my car on the back of a flatbed truck, walking several miles to a gas station and then risking my life in Mabel's car to get here. That might have something to do with it." "Mabel's car? How'd you end up with her?" "Bumped into her at a gas station."
"What was she doing at a gas station? Her tank's full. I filled it this afternoon."
She shrugged. "I don't know. She didn't carry anything out of the store, at least not that I saw." He pulled out a plate covered with foil and set it on the counter. "Are you thirsty?" "Yes. Do you have any diet cola?"
"Diet cola?" He slowly turned and studied her with narrowed eyes again. "Looks like you, and sounds like you...but it can't be you. Do you have an identical twin?"
"No, why?" Trying to appear casual, she lifted the foil from the plate to get a peek at the food. It didn't look appealing at all-kinda resembled slimy fish parts with green unmentionables, like something she'd seen those poor schmucks eat on Fear Factor-but she didn't want to seem ungrateful. "Oh, this looks fabulous," she lied. "I have an Evian. Will that do for now?"
Wow, the fancy water. I've never tried that. "Sure. Thanks."
He pulled out a chilled bottle and handed it to her then unwrapped the plate and carried it to the snack bar at the end of the natural stone counter. "Enjoy. I'll be back in a minute."
She plopped on a swivel stool, spinning around to face him. "Where are you going?"
"Be right back." He patted her hand like she was a little insecure kid-which she was not, thank you very much-and left the kitchen, leaving her to investigate the clammy food on her plate. Evidently it was either meant to be eaten cold or she didn't rate the extra time it took to heat it in the microwave.
Figuring explanation number one sounded the most reasonable, since he had bothered feeding her in the first place-after all what was another couple of minutes-she lifted the friendliest-looking piece, some kind of rolled up thing, and held it to her nose.
Gag! It reeked! Must be spoiled. She set it down and reached for something else...and then another...and another. Despite the fact that she hadn't eaten all day and was ready to gnaw on the artificial vegetables in his table centerpiece, nothing on the plate smelled edible. With Jason still missing, she went back to the refrigerator to see what else she could find.
Ah ha! Now this was better! Thin-sliced roast beef, whole wheat bread, Swiss cheese and honey mustard would make one superb sandwich. In the cupboard she found some nacho chips. Before starting work on the sandwich, she ripped those suckers open, packed a handful into her mouth and chewed, and refilled every few seconds as she stacked the meat and cheese on the bread. Sandwich completed, she lifted it to her mouth, inhaling the scent of meat and mustard, then took a bite.
Now that was good eating! Relishing the flavor, she closed her eyes in ecstasy. "What are you doing?" He sounded annoyed.
She opened her eyes and realized he wasn't so much angry as he was confused. Swallowing first, she motioned toward the plate with the slimy, stinky food and said, "That stuff didn't smell right. I hope you don't mind I made myself a sandwich."
He wrung an article of clothing in his hands. " don't eat red meat. Haven't had any in almost five years."
"I do today." She took another bite to illustrate and smiling, chewed and swallowed. "I've forgotten what I was missing. This is delicious. Dead cow is good." She watched as he continued to twist the fabric in his hands. "What are you destroying there? If you don't stop, it'll be nothing but rags."
"Destroying?" He looked down at his hands. "Oh. I found this for you, since you said you were cold." He dropped it next to her on the counter, leaning just close enough to give her a minor case of the warm fuzzies.
Cold? I'm not cold anymore. With a hot bod like yours so close how could a girl be cold? "Thanks. That's very sweet." "It's just an old sweatshirt, but it'll keep you warm." He looked like he wanted to say something more but didn't. "What?"
He took a step backward and shook his head. "It's...nothing. Do you need a ride home?" "Wow, anxious to get rid of me so soon?" "Kind of."
His honesty floored her and she didn't know what to say. What had happened between them, she wondered. What had Monica done? It had to have been Monica's fault. Jason seemed much too kind and considerate to be the guilty one. "At least you're honest," she finally managed to say before taking another bite of sandwich. "Do I have time to finish my food first? I didn't eat all day. I'm starving." "Sure."
"Will you drive me home or will you get someone else to do the dirty deed?" "Yes, I'll drive you. Who else would?"
"Oh, I don't know." Evidently he didn't have a chauffeur. "I thought maybe you'd get Mabel to do it," she said, deciding to make a joke out of it.
"So that's it!" he slapped the countertop with his palm. "Where's it hurt?" He rushed forward and inspected the top of her head. "Hurt? What?" "Your head. Did you hit it on the dashboard riding with Mabel? I know what kind of driver she is. You must have a concussion. You're acting so different. Either that wouldn't...would you?" He stared into her eyes, which made her uneasy, like he could see it wasn't really Monica he was talking to. "Would what?"
"If you think this sudden metamorphosis into a decent human being is going to change my mind about you...about us, you're wrong."
Aha! It had been Monica's fault. Why didn't that surprise her? It seemed for all Monica had, she didn't appreciate any of it, hunky, rich boyfriend included. Shame on her!
"I'm not trying to convince you of anything- Well, it might be nice if you'd give me back the car-" "So that's it! All this to convince me give back the Lexus? You little, conniving-"
"Whoa, before you start throwing insults, at least let me explain. Yes, I came to ask you why you had the car towed away but I'm not putting on an act for anything. I was hungry, so I ate. I wasn't going to eat some smelly, slimy raw fish guts or whatever that stuff is so I raided your refrigerator for something that looked edible, which just so happened to be the product of a land-dwelling species. Shoot me. Sheesh! Who would've thought a sandwich would cause such an uproar." Disgusted with how things were progressing, wishing he'd toss aside his need to figure out why she'd changed and just kiss her, she shoved the plate away. "I'm finished. Will you take me home now?" "It's not just the sandwich."
"Whatever." Now that had to sound like the old Monica he knew. Maybe being rude would set him at ease. She walked across the kitchen toward the front door. "Where are you going?" "Out."
"That's the wrong way."
"It is not. This is the way..." She looked up and down the hallway, certain she'd seen that painting and those doors before...hadn't she?
He caught her shoulders in his strong hands-she liked men with big, strong hands-and stared into her eyes again. "Do you have amnesia?"
"I don't think so..." Was this the opportunity she needed? He wanted some sort of logical explanation. Amnesia sounded logical-at least a whole lot more logical than a wish on a meteorite. "...well, maybe. I am feeling a little funny." "I've heard about stuff like this. Do you remember what happened?"
"No. Nothing. I just woke up this morning...uh...not feeling myself. I mean, I looked in the mirror and I knew who I saw, but it was like that wasn't me."
"That doesn't sound good at all. Maybe you should go to the hospital."
"No way. And sit there all night just to have some doctor tell me nothing's wrong? Uh-uh." "I'll stay with you."
"No, I'm not going. I hate hospitals. I'm sure I'll be fine. I'm probably just a little stressed out."
"Fine, then I insist you stay here tonight so I can keep an eye on you. You never know what might happen. You probably shouldn't be alone."
Never know what might happen? She liked the sound of that. "Well...if you insist..." Would he sleep with her? Her body tingled at the thought of curling up alongside that very masculine, very sexy body she suspected hid under the baggy sweatpants and loose T-shirt he was wearing. What was he doing putting more clothes on? She wanted him to take what he'd had off.
"You can stay in any room you like." How about yours?
"I promise I won't try a thing." Bummer!
"What do you think?"
She feigned indecision. "Oh I don't know. Do you think that's such a good idea, considering, you know? Besides, I really should go home. I don't have any of my things here and I need to go to work in the morning."
"I'll drive you. I can take you home early so you have time to dress then drop you off at work when you're ready."
"That's awfully nice of you, Jason." She smiled, sensing a bit of chemistry as she leaned closer. "Thanks. For being so great about this. I mean, you were a jerk for having my car hauled away, but at least you didn't throw me out and leave me to find my own way home. Why'd you do that anyway? Take the car?"
"Insurance. You let the policy lapse again. I told you the last time I can't afford to have you driving the Lexus without insurance. It's like driving a billboard that says 'Sue me, I have money'. I've already paid out two settlements and those had been for tiny fender-benders in parking lots. I can't imagine what I'd have to pay if you hit someone hard. You and your reckless driving are putting me in the poorhouse."
"Oh." Sheesh! Who could blame him if that was true. "I understand."
"If the insurance is too steep, how about we find you another car? Something that's cheaper to insure?"
"I guess that makes sense." She nodded and stepped into the hallway, shuddering as he rested his hand on the small of her back.
"Good. I think you should call off work tomorrow and we can go car shopping."
"Oh no. I can't. I mean I'd like to..." Climbing the stairs, she turned around to face him and got instantly lightheaded. With her standing one stair higher, they were almost nose-to-nose. She could easily lean just a bit and kiss him. And it was encouraging to see him looking as tempted as she felt.Was this the reason she'd changed places with Monica? Maybe it hadn't been about work or that silly yogurt ad. Maybe she was supposed to make things right with Jason, right whatever wrong the real Monica had done.
All in all that didn't sound like a bad deal. In fact, it sounded like a whole lot of fun...if she could remember why she was doing this and keep her heart out of it.
Falling in love with another woman's boyfriend was not a good idea. Nope, not at all.

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