How Dense is a Dense Girl

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When ever it goes straight into the story without saying whose POV it is it means it's Sun's POV. The only time it won't be Sun's is when she's not around.

Georgia and I were working with a girl named Sherry to see how good Riley is. It's  probably best that I don't do this alone since I would just give them the place even if their terrible but I can't just reject them, I'd feel terrible if I did that.

And what's worse is that Riley is my best friend and I can't hurt her feelings.
She might hate me if I do!

But I can't just be a wet blanket and let everyone walk all over me with this kind of situation, I must be strong, I must tell them all the truth.

Riley looks like she might be concentrating as her eyes are closed and she's breathing heavily.
Suddenly her eyes open and she strikes a pose. It's good but too stiff. I wasn't natural, she forced herself. While modelling is supposed to be a job I always have fun so what ever pose comes to mind. It's random.
I'm about to say this when Georgia takes the words right out of my mouth.
"You didn't do that naturally, modding's supposed to be fun, it's too stiff, try again and do whatever comes to mind!" She commanded

Riley nodded and tried again.
"Nice, you have potential but it's rusty," Sherry praised
"Yeah!" I agreed though I have no idea what she means by that.
"Do you know what she meant!" Asked Georgia
"No," I admitted sheepishly. Sherry laughed and Georgia smiled but Riley smirked, is that good or bad?

Oh well I don't know her well enough to know if her irks are a good or bad sign.
"I'm hey I was told to come here that it's important," came a voice. I turned around and there was
"Yuri?" I asked surprised
"YuYu, you made it!" Riley ran up to him and hugged him. For some reason I felt a tug in my heart at this, I must be coming down with something. Yuri tried to push her off but her grip must of been iron.
"Get off me!" Demanded Yuri
"No!" Sulked Riley.

About 10 minutes later she finally got off him and we revealed that Sherry, Georgia and I had come to the final decision that Riley can join.
As we revealed this to her Riley looked over at me and smiled smugly. She must be so proud, so I smiled back to show that I support her.

Still not sure what Loop rivals  are yet but I'll figure it out..... Eventually.

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