Yahaba Shigeru

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warning: fluff and cuddles
word count: 1,011
requested by: hoseokkkkkkk

  Calloused fingertips trace along your bicep, down your forearm, circle around your wrist, and head back up again. It's soft, calming, assuring. You sigh and curl closer to the source of the nice touches, reaching out to drag a finger along a pale collarbone, eliciting a shiver from the body next to you. It's bittersweet. If this was any other night, the two of you would be laughing and watching TV or playing video games and making food and cracking jokes. But this wasn't just any other night. Because in the morning, you'd walk home and your boyfriend would be heading towards the airport and not coming back for a whole month. It was torture, knowing you weren't going to see him as often as you normally do. It was going to be an awful month, really.


  "Please don't say something depressing," Yahaba whispers, soft brown eyes flickering back and forth between yours. You sigh and blink the tears out of your eyes, tracing the pattern on the front of his shirt.

  "I'm gonna miss you," you mutter out, sniffling. "So much." Yahaba instantly pulls you to his chest and rubs your back with his fingertips.

  "Hey, it'll be okay, I promise. I'll be back before you know it," he promises, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "And I'll call you any chance I can get."

  "You know you don't have to," you argue. "You'll be with your family."

"Not late at night."

"You'll be sleeping."

"Who needs sleep when I've got a totally hot boyfriend waiting for me?"


"You can't convince me not to call you."

"I'm not trying to- okay, whatever. You'll have your way like you always do."

"What's that-"

"I didn't mean it like that," you quickly cut him off. "I'm sorry, okay? I just...I'm going to be so alone without you here. I keep thinking about that and my own feelings and it's really selfish, but I-"

"(Y/N)," he murmurs. "Let's not think about it right now, yeah?" he inquires. "Let's just enjoy this night. Together." A small smile causes the corners of your lips to perk up.

"Okay," you agree, watching Yahaba lean forward and capture your lips with his. The action makes your eyelids flutter closed as one of your hands comes up to cup his jaw. The kiss is slow, meaningful. His arms wrap around your waist and pull you as close as they can while keeping your lips connected. You sift your fingers through his silky hair and sigh happily against his lips. When he pulls away, you both grin and lean your forehead against the other's.

"I love you, (Y/N)," Yahaba admits, his eyes searching yours.

"I love you too," you mutter back, shifting so that your head is laying on his chest, one of your legs thrown over his waist. "You should try to sleep. You have an early day tomorrow."

"I don't know. I might miss you," he teases, kissing the top of your head.

"Dork," you muse, thumb tracing one of his ribs as you try to ground yourself. You can feel the tears burning you eyes when you think about how much you're going to miss him. In all honesty, the only person you had was Yahaba. All of your siblings had left for college, your parents were always busy with work, you had no friends, none that treated you right, anyway. You were just the token gay friend that every girl wanted. And it made you miserable.

"Stop thinking," Yahaba whispers. "Just lay here with me. Just you and me."

"Okay," you sigh, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath. You focus on Yahaba's fingertips tracing patterns into your back, on the sound of his heartbeat, the feel of his arms, the way his skin feels under your hands.

  Your mind is sent reeling again.

  What if Yahaba found someone else? What if he realized he didn't want to be with you? Just the thought makes your stomach drop.

  "(Y/N)," Yahaba demands. "Your heart's going a million miles an hour."

  "What if you realize you don't want to be with me?" you find yourself asking, sitting up and wrapping your arms around yourself. Yahaba sits up as well and rests his chin on your shoulder.

  "Why would I?" he inquires, and you can tell in his voice that he has an eyebrow raised. "I love you." He presses a kiss to your shoulder. "I love you." His lips find your neck. "I love you," he whispers in your ear, nuzzling your jaw. "Don't you know that by now?" Your silence answers that for him. "I can show you." You feel him pull away from him, so you turn to look at him in confusion, only to watch as he settles himself in front of you. He lowers you onto the bed, nose nuzzling underneath your jaw, causing your breath to hitch. He grabs your hand. "Feel," he whispers, pressing your palm to his chest. You can feel his heartbeat practically jumping through his chest, thrumming against your fingers. "See? You do this to me. All on your own."

  You grab his free hand with your own and press his fingertips to your chest, letting him feel just how much he affected you as well. You watch as he smiles, pressing sweet, short kisses to your jaw and neck. Suddenly, you feel so caught up in his love and his touch and his words. He chuckles briefly and nuzzles his nose against yours.

  "Don't forget about me while I'm gone," he says, settling himself to the side of you, so you snuggle your back up to his chest, grinning when you feel his sturdy arm wrap around you.

  "As if I could ever forget about you."

  A pair of soft lips presses to the back of your neck.

  "Goodnight, my love."

  "Goodnight," you whisper, finally finding some peace of mind. You let your eyes close and fall asleep to the sound of Yahaba's breathing and the feel of his heartbeat against your back.

  (A/N: I'm out of requests, so please request something. Anything. I'm desperate.)

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