Chapter Seven

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In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand him well enough to defeat him, then in that very moment I also love him. I think it's impossible to really understand somebody, what they want, what they believe, and not love them the way they love themselves. And then, in that very moment when I love them.... I destroy them
-Orson Scott Card
"What did you do?" I spit out. "What. Did. You. Do?"

"Hey, it's only fair. You killed Adal. I saw zat. It vas... peaudiful," Zweber dares to say from his sitting position next to my mother.

"I-I-I... I didn't have a choice, you monster! He was going to kill me!"

"Adal? Kill you? Ha! He vouldn't haffe peen aple to hurt a fly, zat's why I'fe been doing all zee dirty vork."

I killed an innocent man? No! Stop it, Althea! He's just trying to get in your head. "Liar! Then, why was he here? Why was he helping you? He hurt my mother. H-he helped you hurt her."

"I kaffe him no ozer choice. He vas like your moder. He vas veak und villing to do anysing to surfiffe, but he vas not a killer."


"She did not survive zee rain, right? So, she's veak." He stops and gives me a creepy smile. "Alsea, ve schould not be fighding. I schould zank you for killing Adal. He vas zinking of crozing me, und I vould haffe killed him myself, but you did me zee faffor."

"You're sick, Zweber." 

"Nein, Alsea. Your mother vas sick. I just put her out of her mizery. You schould haffe heard how sche begged for mercy. Oh, how sche screamed. You know, sche called out for you, Alsea." He begins to mimic my mother's voice, "No, pleaze. Pleaze, don't kill me. I haffe a family. Alsea! Alsea!" Zweber spits crimson colored saliva to his side and returns to his normal voice. "Family? Family is useless! Zey are good-for-nothing slaffes. All zey do is vhine und ask for expensiffe zings. Zey are undesirable und no one deserffes one. I did you a faffor, too Alsea. I kot rid of your moder. Aren't you happy? You von't haffe to liffe vith her nagging anymore." 

 "I. HATE. YOU." I scream before launching in his direction.

I punch him in the face, which doesn't seem to faze him much. He laughs as I take quick shots at his face. Blood starts pouring in all directions and I'm not sure if it's coming from my knuckles or his face. I HATE YOU. I HATE YOU. I HATE YOU, I repeat in my head. He doesn't try to stop me and in some twisted way, I think he's actually enjoying this. He stares at me in his up-right sitting position as I grunt in anger and lash out.

This is for my mom! I delicately pull the knife from my mother's deceased body and hold it above my head pointed in Zweber's direction. 

"Vhat are you koing to do vith zat? Stab me? You can't kill anozer man, Alsea. It'll make you crazy," he tried to talk me out of killing him.

"That's not gonna work, Zweber. Not this time." He deserves this, I tell myself.

In one swift move, Zweber stands up, grabs my wrists in one hand, and takes the knife away from me. His devilish grin now encased in blood, sends goosebumps through my body.

"You know, zee only reason I vas keeping you aliffe vas for your fader's suit. Now zat you'fe killed Adal for me, I only need zee one suit, vich means zat I don't need you." He grabs me by my hair and pulls me all the way to the stairs. He pushes me down each step, until we reach the first floor.

The floor is deserted with no life in sight. Papers thinly line the tiled floor, and briefcases and their possessions are strewn about. The smell of death fills my lungs and I notice the dead bodies next to the elevator. These weren't here before. I come to the conclusion that they came in, while I was being held prisoner, seeking for shelter, but the rain had already gotten to them. Half of their skin has been singed off by the rain, making their bones visible. It's not an appealing sight or smell. Bile rises in my throat, but Zweber pulls my hair, signalling for me to follow him. Before the bile could make it's way out of my mouth, I swallow and keep a steady pace in front of him.

"It's a pity, seeing such a young und peautiful face ko to vaste. You look so much like your moder," he tells me as we reach the front door. "Not to worry sough, you'll be seeing her soon enough."

He opens the front door and the sour smell of the rain hits me. I don't want to die, I silently hope he hears my thoughts and he stops what he's doing. He slides over the nearest briefcase with his foot and props the door open with it. In one hand he has a knife and in the other he holds a clump of my hair. There's no way I'm making it out of this alive.

Without another word, Zweber begins to push me out the door. I immediately put my arms out on either side of me, holding onto the doorframe for dear life. His pressure increases, but I don't give in.

"Stop playing kames," he angrily spits. I feel the cold tip of the knife touch my back.

I can hear my heart beating in my ears. It's so loud, I almost don't hear Zweber tell me to move again. I remove my shaky hands from the door frame and place them next to me. This is it. This is the end for me. I begin to pray to anyone or anything that is listening, to take care of my brother.

"Wait!" I scream. "Can I just say something?" Zweber's face contorts into one of thought. "I promise I'll willingly walk out into the rain after this."

Zweber takes my plea and stops pushing me. "Make it guick."

I turn and face him, beginning my last words. "I just wanted to say that I'm thankful for this life that I've been given. I grew up with two amazing parents that supported everything I did. My mom was the kindest person I knew, and I could only dream of reaching her level of generosity. My dad... My dad was going to change the world for children without parents. I was there every step of the way, when he thought it was impossible for him to continue, and he returned the favor by being there for me. I'm proud to have been their daughter. And Max, my little Maxie. He is the best thing that ever happened to me." Tears make their way down my cheeks and into my mouth. "I've always been so overprotective of him, but I now realize that he was always capable to taking care of himself. I hope my dad is at the house right now, with him in his arms praying that the rain will be over soon so that they can continue living their lives."

As Zweber is caught off guard by my sentimental speech and my flowing tears, I take the chance to kick him in his crotch. He doubles over in pain and drops the knife. I grab it without a second thought and begin to stab him on his back repeatedly. He screams in pain, but the only thing I hear is ringing in my ears. I'm sure his screams sound as painful as my mother's did, but I don't care.

My vision blurs and I begin to yell at him. "THIS IS FOR MY MOTHER!" I continue stabbing him and I see no end to this action. 

Zweber lands on his hands and knees as the blood seeps through his business-appropriate shirt. "Please," he begs.

"You killed my mother, and now I'm killing you," I cynically whisper.

"PLEASE! NEIN!" Are Zweber's last words. 

I place my foot on his butt and give him a powerful kick. His body drops down on the floor shaking and crying. His front half falls outside of the door and is met with the toxic rain, causing blisters to visibly fom on his hands and face. He screams in agony as the blisters burst and he's left with open wounds all over his body. He struggles for a few more minutes, and then his body lays completely still. No breathing, no movement, no sign of life. I remove his shoe and check for a pulse on his foot. Dead.
Hey guys!!! I really hope you enjoy this chapter. All of your comments have been amazing and helpful in the creating of new chapters:) you motivate us . Thank you for reading! Round of applause for Patty for creating a great chapter 💖 -Alexandra
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