Chapter 6: Taciturn

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"I'm so sorry (y/n), I can't believe we didn't believe in you," your mother apologized, you were thankful for the fact that she actually acknowledged her ignorance over your claims. It didn't take long for the police to call in the FBI after they began doubting that the handwriting from the crime scenes and the one left on your SD card were awfully alike. They asked you multiple times about your recent incidents, to which they concluded by stating that EJ was preying on you.

You knew something was coming, but you never would've guessed something as big as this would've happened. Especially with an ordinary girl such as yourself, and to think that the nation's most infamous cannibalistic creature was after you, was just too much for you to handle. Your parents decided that you were strictly prohibited from exiting the house after or before school hours, and that they would personally escort you to and from school; leaving you no trace of freedom. Heck, you were told to be in front of their eyes while you were in the house!

They took away your phone in fear of any threats or temptations to leave the house would come, you were completely barricaded, and you hated it. The FBI put you on watch, as well as bugged your house. Giving your parents complete assurance from the human eating beast, you friends were advised to stay away from you; and your life became a living pandemonium just for you.


It's been weeks, or a month if you want to say; since you last saw Cody. You were beginning to get extremely worried for your blue eyed friend; especially since those eye ball's that were found in your tub, very closely resembled his. Except the eyeballs found in your tub's irises were soaked in blood, making it lose it's glassy blue touch.

You were in bed, and decided to call your friend Hannah and talk about him. Her family had completely disconnected any in real life meetings with her, but allowed over the phone contact; as long as you didn't tell anyone about it and they lasted rather quickly. Mr and Mrs. McCarthy had always liked you, therefore they were sympathetic and allowed some means of communication.

You picked up your phone, and began dialing her number. It rang once, twice, "hello?" You smiled softly and let out a sigh.

"Haley! Omg I'm so happy you answered! I've missed you so much!" you cried with excitement. You could sense her smiling down the other line with excitement and happiness equivalent to yours. "I've missed you a ton too (y/n), I would've called but we're having a family crisis right now." She whispered with a depressed voice, you could hear soft sniffling on the other line.

Your voice took on a serious tone, as the dots began to connect in your mind. "Has Cody come home yet?" you asked while holding your breath, you then heard Haley's sobs grow louder. "No, he's been gone ever since that day. (y/n) please do something and get him back, he'll listen you! He always has." She cried, you felt your heart begin to pound. Cody had been so upset with your rejection, that he's been out of his house ever since? You couldn't help but feel as if this was all your fault.

"Ok Haley, I'll see what I can do," you replied with a solemn voice. "Thank you so much! I just know he'll do whatever you say," and with that, you both said your goodbyes and ended your call. You lay down on your soft yet firm mattress, and contemplated on what you should do on the matter. The truth was, you loved Cody more than anything else in the world; and if he wanted love back from you, than you'd be more than happy to give it.

You sighed, and opened your messenger in your phone. You opened Cody's chat, and thought about what you should write. After a good solid thirty minutes on writing, erasing, rewriting, you finally agreed on a specific word choice to send.

Cody, I need to talk to you about something important

I lied to you... Can we meet up somewhere and talk about it?

You waited, and waited, and waited even more. After what seemed like forever, you got a strange reply.

Sure, tell me when and where and I'll be there

And it doesn't matter whether or not you lied or not, the damage has been done

And if you wrote this in hope that I'll go back home, then you're wrong

I left for my own personal reasons, but nonetheless

I'd love to meet you darling

You raised an eyebrow, and put on a grim expression; what exactly did he mean by "the damage has been done"? You knew Cody to be a sensible person, and knew that he'd never do anything stupid or irrational. But then why did he sound so serious, and what did he mean by "I left for my own personal reasons", whatever it was, you needed to get to the bottom of it.

Meet me tomorrow during lunch

I'm on watch and you probably know by now why

I have a lot of questions and I need answers

As you wish~


"Oh crap! I'm late!" you groaned in an irritated tone. You tossed your blanket aside, and kissed your sleep goodbye. Not having enough time for a morning shower, you began combing through your bedhead; and continued on with picking out a decent outfit. Your outfit consisted of a black Nike shirt, along with dark blue jeans and knee high length boots to finish your look off.

While you were in your bathroom applying makeup in a rush, you accidentally dropped your phone in the sink; causing it to completely shut down and die. You mentally and verbally began cursing at yourself, and sped down stairs to tell your mom about the news.

They were greatly disappointed, mainly because this hasn't been the first time you've done something like this to your phone. It had actually happened quite a lot, and you at this point couldn't do anything about it. You brushed it by, and quickly hopped into your dad's car


"He said he'd be here by now," you sighed, tapping your foot lightly in impatience. It's been such a long time since you've last seen or heard from him; and you couldn't wait to embrace him and hug him. You were waiting in the library during lunch, so that it'd be more quiet and private. You glanced every two seconds towards the door, and finally, you saw a familiar copper headed boy walk in. He looked extremely tired and uninterested; he also happened to be wearing...

Dark Sunglasses?  

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