[ prologue • a poem for the lady ]

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Video Credit: nycgirlxx on YouTube

[ Summer's POV • ]
The moon hovered over the what seemed to be black ocean. It was almost midnight, and it seemed as if I were the only one up. The students and teachers of William B. Travis Prep were rewarded a field trip for being the second safest school in the area. Asher had a mansion right on the beach where we were all staying. I attempted to dust the sand off my feet, only resulting for it to get all over my hands.

"Hey Summer. Why aren't you inside?" Tomika called.

"Oh, hey. I was just admiring the view and lost track of time." I answered.

"Right. Well come back soon, it's boring. Everyone's sleeping and Mr. Finn won't stop snoring."

"Alright, I'll be there in ten." I laughed.

As she ran back to the house, I began to think. Sometimes, when you're around things you don't see often,like the beach, you start to imagine things you don't usually think about.. I began pondering about earlier, when my Freddy Kale rash had finally disappeared. It brought a huge weight off of me and I could finally live a Freddy free life. Sure, I still enjoy having him as a friend, but I was pretty dumb to ever think he wanted to be someone more than that.

[ Freddy's POV • ]
Most of the other kids were sleeping, but I was being forced to knit garbage with my girlfriend, Kale. I didn't want to hurt her feelings and tell her that'd I'd rather pour mayonnaise into my hair, but I was honestly tempted to.

"Kale, how about we take a break and relax on the beach?"

"Or we could stay here and work on knitting this cool scarf!" she suggested, grabbing the chain of flattened out water bottles and paper.

"Come on, can't we do something I want to do?"

"Does that mean you didn't want to do all the stuff we've done together?" she asked.

"Well, pretty much. I didn't want to hurt your feelings!"

"Well consider my feelings hurt. I just think you should find someone more interested in what you like."

"Maybe you're right. I'm sorry Kale, but I think we should break up."

"Yeah, I thought of that idea ten seconds ago." she scoffed, tossing her garbage pile towards my end of the table.

I walked away and sighed. Why did it feel as if there was a huge weight lifted off my chest? Leaving Kale was difficult, but I honestly was sick of doing everything she wanted to do. As I made my way towards the sand, I couldn't help but notice a tiny shadow beginning to form in front of me.

"Freddy?" the voice mumbled.

"Hey Summer. Sorry to startle you. I couldn't sleep." I lied.

"That's alright. Did you finish your garbage quilt or whatever it was?"

"It was a scarf, but I decided it wasn't turning out the way I wanted it to." I chose not to tell her that I broke up with Kale because I really didn't want to talk about it.

"That sucks. I'm trying to write this poem but I just can't get the hang of it." she groaned.

"Really? You're into writing?"

"Yeah, are you?" she asked.

"Definitely! Maybe I could help you."

I sat down next to her as she moved her notebook closer to my hands. The page read:

Rough night
Rough ocean
The stars provide the sky with light
And here I ponder
For some hours
Finding a way
To make you ....

"That's really good! I think you should say "to make you stay." I suggested.

"That's a great idea! Thanks Freddy!" she smiled, placing her hand on my shoulder.

I looked into her eyes, which matched the color of the ocean.

"There's something different about you tonight."

"Yeah, something feels different." she answered.

There was a long break of silence, and for a second I thought we were going to have some sort of moment. Until I noticed her rubbing her arms, noting she was cold.

"I'll go get a blanket. It's really cold out here." I said.

"Good idea."

I got up and tiptoed back to the house. Grabbing a throw blanket, I was able to make it back to where Summer was within ten minutes.

But somehow, I was too late.

There was Summer, with Asher's arm wrapped around her.

"I'm happy I got to know you tonight." his voice echoed.

"Yeah, you're a great person." she answered.

And with that, I left.

[ Summer's POV • ]
It seemed as if Freddy was taking hours, but suddenly I heard footsteps approaching me.

"Hey Asher."

"Hey Summer. Do you have any tips on how to write a poem? I remember your speed debate speech from last year and it was amazing. I was hoping to get inspiration."

"You like writing too? I'd love to help you."

Within a few minutes, I was able to help him create a few lines, which blended together perfectly.

"I'm happy I got to know you tonight." Asher blurted.

"Yeah, you're a great person." I answered.

As he put his arm around me, I swore I heard someone walking over to us.

"Did you hear that?" I asked.

"The only things I hear are the sounds of the water slapping the sand and your beautiful voice." Asher said.

I blushed at his cheesy comment. Wait, was I waiting on someone to come back?

Probably not.

[ author's note • ]
i decided to make a fremmer/zamika story because i've been a huge fan of school of rock for a while now and i thought it'd be a great idea!

this is my version of 2x10 (total eclipse of the heart ) but it sort of revolves around the same plot.

i hope you guys enjoy this story!





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