2 months later

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Stephanie pov
There wasn't much that had happened this month. Mom was at the CMA Fest and had a MuttNation March for all shelter pets. It turned out great there was lots of people from all around America. Mom really injoyed walking with her fans and other dog lovers. That day turned out so great she energy wants to do it again next year. I had fun and really enjoyed it also even though all I could is is walk. The rest of the month was okay mom had almost of shows but other then that we stayed at home and visited grandma and pawpaw everyday thy we was home.

July 1&2
Stephanie pov
So far July has been good I got ungrounded from my tv.I still try and talk to my boy friend (we are just friends). Mom and dad has no idea and if they founded out they would be so mad.
Miranda pov
Stephanie got ungrounded today. I know Stephanie won't stay ungrounded long and it breaks my heart. Stephanie has been good for the most part. She pretty much stays with me or her dad.

Anderson pov
Live has been great I have been thinking about proposing to Miranda but I just ain't found the right time or day to ask her dad. I want to do it the right way but I just got to have to right time to do so.

July 3
Stephanie pov
We are getting ready to do our family BBQ tomorrow. Mom and grandma went to the store to get everything we need. Pawpaw and I went and picked fresh watermelon. Dad and ainslee went to get some fireworks. Me and pawpaw got back before everyone else he put the watermelon in the icebox.
When everyone got back to the house mom was ready to eat and she wanted love and war so we went up to town and ate dinner.

Miranda pov
We have us a long day today. We are getting ready for tomorrow. So I thought since we was all tried we would go out and have dinner.

M: I think since we are all tried and gonna have a long day tomorrow we should go have dinner.
Be: we are y'all gonna go eat at me and dad will come with y'all?
M: probably love and war honey
AE: yes honey
M: where you want to eat at tonight I'm not gonna cook?
AE: it didn't matter to me honey where ever you want to eat at.
B: okay will me and dad will just follow y'all
M: okay mom

M:Stephanie come here
Me: yes ma'am
M: we are going to eat go get in the truck but first let me fix your bow!
Me: yes ma'am
At dinner
Stephanie pov
As we sat there waiting on our food a little girl dropped her cellphone and when she went to pick up her phone her pants ripped and I laughed at her.
AE: STEPHANIE ANN when we get out of here your getting your ass beat!!
M: STEPHANIE lets go now
Me: where
M: your gonna tell that little girl sorry
Me: yes ma'am
We walked over to where that girl and her parents was sitting at!
M:Hi I'm sorry to brother y'all but my daughter was laughing at your daughter I little bit ago and I wanted to make sure my daughter told her she was sorry!
The lady: ma'am she doesn't have to say sorry to her if anything she should say sorry to your daughter
M: why is that ma'am
The lady: because my daughter was Adkin for that to happened and when your daughter got in trouble she laughed at her
M: ma'am my daughter will be in trouble for this me and her dad didn't allow her to laugh at people and misbehave like she was. Stephanie tell her sorry
Me: I'm sorry I should have laughed at you
The little girl: I'm sorry to
We walked back over to our seats and waited on our food!
Rl: Stephanie
Me: yes sir
Rl: what has gotten into you?
Me: nothing
Rl: yes there has and I don't know what it is but it's gonna stop or what your daddy give you tonight won't be anything do you understand me
Me: but there's really nothing pawpaw
M: don't you back talk your already in trouble
Me: yes ma'am
We got our food then we all left!
M: see y'all in the morning love y'all
Rl: love you to baby girl
Bl: love y'all to
When we got home
After we got home I had mom take my hair down so I could take a shower and get ready for bed. I took my show got ready for bed. When I started up to my room from telling mom goodnight and tell dad goodnight. Dad told me that I had to do a time out in the morning and I was still getting a spanking from what I did to that little girl.. I went on to my room and laid down. I fall asleep she. Dad came in I was past our so he just walked back out the room.

July 4
M:Stephanie time to get up
Me: mmmmmm what time is it
M: don't matter get up and come eat breakfast
Me: yes ma'am

I walked down stairs to eat mom had my clothes out for the day! I went bushed my teeth then got dressed and took my the hair brush.
Me: momma
M: yes Stephanie
Me: here you go
M: okay lay it down
Me: yes ma'am
A few minutes later dad woke up and walked down stairs gave mom a kiss.

AE: good morning Stephanie
Me: good morning daddy
AE: you do your time out yet
Me: no sir
AE: then go to the time out room when your mom is done
M: I don't need her right now go on do your timeout
Me: yes ma'am

M: Ainslee still asleep honey
AE: yes she is
M: okay I'll go get her
AE: you sure honey I'll go get her if you want.
M: no honey I'll go get her deal with Stephanie
AE: okay honey
Miranda pov
I haven't been feeling good these past few days so I made a doctors appointment to see what it could be!!

AE: come here Stephanie
Me: yes sir
AE: let's get this over with
Me: daddy please don't
AE: I'm not gonna fight with you now come one pants down and bend over
Me: daddy please don't I wit do it again I promise
AE: there's no next time
He took me by the arm and bent me over his knees.
Me: daddy please noooo (crying )
AE: move your hand now
Grabs my hand and moves if out the way. He popped me with the belt about 20 times and told me next time it was gonna be worse.
M: Stephanie come here so I can fix your hair and stop your cry before I give you a reason to cry for
Me: yes ma'am

We left and got to grandmas. All the kids was told to go out side and play. I walked out side but there was really nothing to do so I was just standing there waiting to go back inside. We are all going to Longview for the ready of the day after we eat..
Rl: kids come eat
Us kids ran over to pawpaw and got our food.
Bl: Miranda
M: yes ma'am
Bl: did you bring ainslee stroller because she gonna get tried of walking and y'all gonna get tried of holding her!
M: yes ma'am we did it's in the back of the truck.
Bl: okay honey
After we all ain't everyone got in their cars and we all headed to Longview.
M: Stephanie
Me: yes ma'am
M: when we get here you stay right with me you dad grandma or pawpaw do you understand
Me: yes ma'am
We spent the whole day almost in Longview. Ainslee took her nap on the way over here and she really enjoyed the dog show. After the dog show everything else was out side. There was 3 bands there they was okay for the most part. One of the bands called a girl up on stage and had her sing a song and she did one of moms songs. Then not long after that Uncle Luke his wife and kids showed up. Then After the fire work show we went home I slept all the way back home. When we got home I went to bed and so did mom and dad.

July 5&6
The last few days we haven't really done  much but stay home. Mom went and made a surprise guest on stage with jimmy buffet tonight. She said it went really good and glad she did it. She met a lot of people.

Miranda pov
I'm going to the doctor on the 26 to find out whats wrong with my stomach and why it has been hurting the pass few days..

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