The weekend

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Blakes pov
I love my girls a lot I'm gonna miss them when they go home. I'm really not ready to see Miranda to drop them off but i guess she needs to meet Gwen since she gonna be around the girls. I'm not ready for later to be here but it's got to be here 😟.
B: Gwen I'm gonna go that way to drop the girls off you want to ride with me ?
G: no I'm good I'm sure Miranda don't want to meet me right now .
B: why dose it matter what she wants its not like we are gonna get back together I mean you are gonna be around her kids
G: that's true I am but it's till to early for me to meet her y'all been divorced 1 week
B: ya and it's gonna be 2 weeks before I get the girls again so she will forget bye then anyway .

Miranda's pov
I missed my girls this weekend I'm glad they are coming home today and I won't have to deal with him for 2 weeks . Blake called me last night and told me he had someone for me to meet like I care. But who really care about what he has are even wants.Anyway I'm not gonna let him do this to me f*** him . My brother is coming with me to get the girls and I guess she is coming with him I don't know my not I really don't want to deal with his bs.

Mine pov
I had a good weekend wish it would have been me ainslee and dad but it wasn't. Maybe next time it will be I really don't like his girlfriend at all. She try's to tell me what I can and can't do like she my mama. And her kids has wired names and she just a creep. My dad spent most of the time with her. And I don't know if I should tell mama are what to do. And now she coming with us to meet mama this is not gonna go well at all. My dad is being so stupid right now he has lost his mind. Maybe she won't get out when we get there (Gwen). Omg this is gonna be a mess why can't he just let it be use for a while this is so stupid I just want time with my daddy  not everyone else I only see him 2 times a month and I guess when I'm there she is gonna be there:(. My life sucks now that momma and daddy got divorced. The phone rings and it's momma
M: where are y'all at
B: we'll be there in just a minute
M: hurry up we got thing to do
B: okay Miranda

The meeting place convo
M: hey Stephanie how was you weekend I'm so happy y'all are home
Me: it was okay I'm just glad to be home
M: was everything okay
Me :I'll tell you later momma
M: okay baby get in the truck with sissy
Me : uncle lukeeeeeeee
UL: hey baby girl how was ur weekend
Me: it could have been better
UL: what happened
Me: daddy had his girlfriend there all weekend and didn't spend time with me really
UL : I'll be right back baby girl

L: Miranda Stephanie said that Blake did spend much time with her this weekend
M: Blake is that true
B: no I did spend time with her
M: who was there with y'all then
B: my girlfriend and my sister
M: you only see you kids two time a month and then people is there when they are really Blake really
B: yes really Miranda and my sister wanted to see them
M: I'm not talking about her I'm talking about your girlfriend I don't want her around my kids at all.
B: Luke plz help me with you sister
L: I can't control her and you know that once she mad she mad
B: I know but she taking this to far
L: honestly she not because y'all been divorced a week and you already have someone around the girls come on Blake
M: I'm done we are going to court here in text about this I'm gonna have it fixed where you get 1 weekend a month if she is around my kids again
L: Miranda not that crazy don't do that to him
M: Luke he has disrespected the girls doing that .
L: that's his own problem it really is but makin where he only has one weekend with the girls will only hurt them not you are him
M: okay y'all win this one but it's not right to the girls at all
B: your right i f***** up Miranda plz don't do this plz I'll move closer to them if you let me have them more just don't take time away from me
M: then dont have her around them for a while and till you know it's gonna work I'm serious and that's up to you I'm not moving from Texas so you'll have tget move here if that's what you want is more time with them
B: okay I'm fin with that and in sorry I disrespected you and the girls by bring her around them. I'm gonna tell them I love them then I'm gonna go find a house here in Texas .
M: okay
B: by girls daddy loves y'all
Me: we love you to

Adopted by Blake Shelton and Miranda lambertWhere stories live. Discover now