Chapter 5 | Dust

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"So what do we do while we wait for the others to arrive?" I ask Ka'ni. It's been a couple days since I first arrived. 

Ka'ni shrugs. "Just wait around, be bored. They have a library, but we're only allowed to read like three books out of the whole thing. I usually just hang out around the stables."

"I know they have a library, I was reading the name book and I looked up our names remember?"

An idea hit me like a punch. "Ka'ni . . . do you still play the games we used to play when we were real little?"

She blinks. "I usually just act 'em out in my head now . . ."

I grin. "Let's get playin'."

We race each other down to the big, open field. Most of the other "softclaws", as the Wyris called us, hung out by the smaller field, the one with all the benches. The big one was completely deserted today.

Ka'ni smiles. "I'll start us off . . . you're a wyvern patrolling the trench when a freak storm catches you off guard. You get swept past the mountain ridge and end up somewhere in the middle of the desert, far from home . . ."

In my mind's eye, I flare leathery wings and shoot into the sky. With my imagination and Ka'ni's gentle narration, I can see it all perfectly clear in my mind.

We play games with our imaginations for a couple of hours. Before I knew it they're calling lunch.

"I swoop to the ground and land, exhausted from my battle with the terror birds. I crawl up onto a rock and curl into a ball to sleep." I finish. "Let's end it there for now."

Ka'ni nods. "I'm starving!"

We're both tired, sweaty, and hungry from running around the field and narrating our movements. We trudge back to the tables, panting and brushing sand off our clothes.

I sit down heavily in at a table. A blonde female Wyri places two pieces of cooked meat and a rockarrot in front of me. She gives the same meal to Ka'ni and we dig in as the other softclaws arrive. I'm used to fluctuating meals after a couple of days here. One day we'll get two pieces of grilled prime meat along with a handful of azulberries, two citronals, and a longrass each. The next day we'll get a couple of tintos and a piece of fishmeat.

A big, bulky kid sits across from us. He has short golden-blond hair, and dark green eyes with a hint of blue. What was his name? Gtir? Yes, he was the leader of the Bloodletters.

"Alright, silkie, remember what I said?" He growls.

"You told me not to storm with you or your gang. I have no intention of messing with you or you gang, so we're good." I respond. What is this kid's problem?

He opens his mouth to respond when another softclaw sits beside him. I recognize the tall, slim build and longish black hair. When he turns to face me, I feel a flash of satisfaction of being able to recognize Lnar before even seeing his bright blue eyes. I can't really appreciate his personality or attitude, but I can definitely appreciate his looks.

More and more softclaws fill the tables. I've already finished my meat, and I'm gnawing on my carrot when a Wyri comes running and whispers in the ear of another Wyri. They both start running towards the gates. Quite a few wyverns soar overhead. I glance at Ka'ni.

She nods.

I grab the half-eaten carrot and run for the gates. There's only been one other person who came after me, and I was inside at the time so I didn't know until they came through the doors. I want to see them walk through the gates this time.

I arrive just in time to hear the Wyris say "Congratulations, M'ta. You have completed Part One of your Initiation."

M'ta. Meaning "creator of beautiful objects". I grin. The little bit of research I did on names the second day here paid off. Ka'ni means "sharp metal", and my name, R'zya, means "animal with claws". Coincidentally, or perhaps purposefully, the male variation of my name, Ryzet, means sabertooth. I wonder what Lnar's name means. I'll have to look it up later.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2017 ⏰

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