I Said Don't Touch anything!

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"Don't touch that!,"

Miles jumped violently at Peter's words, jumping away from the crystal ball he was about to touch.

"You never know what could be dangerous," Peter said.

Sam rolled his eyes and plucked him on the back of his neck, causing Peter to flinch then to glare at him.

"Leave the kid alone, babes, what could a ball possibly do?,"

Peter turned to him, fuming, his face bright red. He always got flustered when Sam teased him like that. They weren't dating per-say, but.... It's complicated, ok?!

"Don't call me 'babes', and a crystal ball could do a lot of things, Sam!,"

Sam out a hand on his hip and looked at him. "Ok, shnookems-," He smirked as Peter's blush darkened and as his frown deepened. "Name one thing that ball could do that's dangerous,"

Peter took a breath  and thought for a moment. "It.... It could fall and break releasing evil... ghosts! Or...or something,"

Sam gave him a him a look, then calmly walked over to where the crystal ball was, plucking it from the stand.

He turned it over in his hands, tossing it up in the air, only to catch it before it fell to the ground.

"Not seeing any evil ghosts, Petey-,"

"Would you stop with the nicknames!," Peter snatched the ball from him. "And leave it alone,"

Sam frowned, snatching the ball back. "What if I don't want to leave it alone?,"

"Sam! Stop acting like a little kid, give it back!,"


The tug of war continued, being watched by Harry, Miles, Ben and Flash.

"We should probably stop them before someone drops it," Miles spoke up.

The other three boys murmured in agreement, but no one made any effort to do so.

"Let go, Sam! Before you break it,"

"You let go!,"

Sam tugged back, a lot harder than his first attempts, making Peter suddenly release the ball, sending Sam stumbling backwards- and the ball into the ground.

There was an audible shattering sound, followed by a silence.

Peter slowly turmed to Sam, then began walking towards him, causing the Latino to walk backwards in fear.

Sam held his hands up in surrender as he felt himself began to sweat. As got as Peter looked when he was angry, it still wasn't a good thing.

However before anything could happen, the glass shards of the crystal ball, suddenly began to glow a bright blue, causing everyone to turn to it.

"Is... this a good thing or a bad thing?," Flash asked, voicing everyone else's unspoken question.

The glass shards suddenly began to float, then started going around.... and around... and around, until it turned into a glowing, blue, vortex, facing the six teens.

"Uh... I'm guessing bad," Ben commented as the vortex began to spin faster.

The vortex began to suck things into it, pulling them closer to it. "Uh oh. Everybody move before it-," Sam was cut off as his body was suddenly lifted from the ground. "Whoa!,"

Peter moved to grab him, only for him to be sucked in, then Miles, then Ben, then Flash.

Once they were in, the portal suddenly closed.


Ava rubbed her eyes tiredly as Danny led her into the room he said the boys went into. He stopped abruptly, causing her to walk into his back.

She groaned and rubbed her nose and move to the side so she could see. Her eyes widened as she saw what made him stop.

The room was a mess; tiny glass pieces were scattered all over the floor, papers were littered everywhere, and the boys were gone.

She groaned and rubbed her face.

"I take and ten minute nap-" She oauses, yawning briefly, "-and they destroy a whole room," She pinched her nose, then grabbed Danny's arm.

"Come on, we need to tell Fury and the others what happened,"

Danny nodded, letting himself be tugged down the hall.


Geez, a girl can't even take a nap without something going wrong,😧 smh.


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