Begin with a friend

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The beginning of a school day. Fun right? Actually, yes. 7th grade wasn't a very good year of school, but it wasn't completely terrible either. I can't even begin to explain how much of a mutual feeling I had about that ONE year of school. It was insanely odd, very dramatic and beautiful. Insanely odd because, 1: A bunch of people left and returned to McKinley. Dramatic, well more of a drama filled year. A whole bunch of fights happened, teachers came and went, being picked off 1 by 1 like flies or something. The teachers, I'll start from there. 8 different teachers (including Extended learning-8th period) 8 different classes. Every teacher had one thing in common. They taught a bunch of demons (those demons being us 7th graders.)

Language arts, Mrs. Kiflesadiks class. We all loved her, her teaching style was breath taking. Though she could be clumsy and forgetful at times, she knew how to teach like she meant it. At the beginning of the year she told us, "I wasn't always like this, open and friendly. I was shy, scared and nervous about all of it. But, you don't have to be, just be nice and try to make sure you stick together." I was so happy to hear it, so happy to have her, as one of my teachers. I had three of my favorite people in that class. Jasmine Vest, Jillian Marshall, and Aydin Laughride. But after the first day of school, that class out of every other, was the best. I just knew it. I sat in the back for the longest time and I loved it. Jasmine sat in front of me and Jillian and Aydin sat in the front 2 desks away. We got our work done on time, well they did. But then, we were assigned the beginning of the year assessment. We hated every second of it, mainly because of how annoying it was to write about the same thing on the midyear assessment and the end of the year assessment. I'm pretty sure everyone in class died a little when we got those tests. We took the first test and bombed it. We all did terrible, I think. I considered tossing that damn test out the window, but I didn't. After the test Mrs. Kiflesadik got us ready for the second one, with DLR. Each morning we waited for everyone to arrive and when the bell rang notebooks were on desks. It was a lot easier than I'd expected it to be and got the hang of it. That class went smoothly, we got things done. Language Arts, was and will always be. My favorite class ever, but second period...Well you'll see what that was like.

Social studies, Mrs. Salukas class. On the first day of social studies, I was unfortunately greeted by many stupid faces, Most of which went to my elementary school. Jasmine and Jillian had social studies with me and Aydin in literacy. This teacher was different. Her room was filled with whacky stuff, posters that made no sense. Bobble heads, and since she despised coca cola most of her students bought her coca cola so she put it on a shelf and it all just sits there. They aren't even carbonated anymore. Okay, social studies time, not that I liked it.  I didn't pas social studies with "flying colors" but I got a C, and that works. One of the main things i wanna talk about is a specific assignment. We were assigned a project, we would pick our world traveler and take information from a website. Half of us used the exact words from the website, i don't know why the teacher wasn't smart enough to realize that. I didn't finish that assignment because me and Jasmine kept talking while Jillian sat all the way across the room, all sad. I was messing around, i got some of the work done but i threw it all away because i thought it sucked. We had two full weeks to finish it plus spring break. Jillian, being all hard working got it done and Jasmine did, on like the last day. So i passed that class, just barely and that class went on just the way it should. People still played around during passing time, I still failed at getting things done, and second period went on as normal. 

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