Accepting the Accepted: Chapter One

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I am so sorry I have taken absolutely forever to post this, but I have had some major things happening around me right now, and writing is the last thing that comes to my mind.

More explanations are soon to come, I promise. For now, enjoy this terrible and short chapter~

*Note: Kina grew up in a very formal home, she is royalty, and so if she talks a little bit different, that it just merely her character and how she speaks. *

Chapter One                                                   

Loneliness never struck me harder than it did tonight. It just suddenly hit me, a tidal wave of unknown emotion crashed down on me, forcing me to pull over in the middle of nowhere.

I was so scared, for I had never cried before.

I hadn’t cried when I was beaten by my mother when I was only five. I didn’t cry when I was starved for nearly a week after opening my window. And I certainly didn’t cry when I killed my first victim.

It seemed a dam had broken, and released all the emotions I had held in over the years.    

Yet, here I was, venerable and weak, with no purpose in life, but inflicting pain upon others. This simple break-down was against everything I was taught, yet it felt so right.

For once in my life, I didn’t have to control the urge to cry or scream. I let all the pain and anger out, yelling and screaming while sobbing my heart out.

I must have been a sight. With all the absurd noises spewing from my mouth, you’d think someone was trying to kill me.

After a while, the tears stopped leaking out of my eyes and my breathing started to calm down. I laid my head down on the steering wheel and closed my tired, puffy eyes.

The sudden burst of emotion drained my energy, sucking all remnants of life out of my lonely soul. Blackness crept into my vision, lulling me into a vision of scarring, colorless nightmares.

“You were the worst mistake I ever made!” She roared slapping me across the cheek once more.

Tears streamed down my face, sobs were racking my body. My cheek was stinging in pain, I felt nothing but pain and confusion. Why is my mommy doing this to me? What did I do?

She looked so angry, her face was red. Almost as red as mine. She slapped me again, this time on the opposite cheek.

“You worthless child! This is all you fault!” She screamed, her eyes turning a scary red.

I whimpered, trying to crawl back, but she grabbed my wrist yanking me forward. Pain suddenly shot in my wrist. I screamed out in pain, begging my mommy to stop, pleading her.

She just smiled cruelly. She opened the drawer beside her and took out a carving knife. My little eyes widened in fear. I cried out, trying to scoot back, but her strong hold on my wrist only increased the pain.

She snarled at me. “You will know the true meaning of pain.”

She brought the knife down to my wrist and pierced my skin. I screamed and tried to jerk away from the terrible pain, but it only dug deeper, making it worse.

Everything seemed to go numb. I could no longer feel the hot tears streaming down my cheeks, or the excruciating pain in my wrist. I couldn’t hear my mommy’s terrible laugh or my screams.

Just numbness.

After what felt like forever, she finally finished. She pulled the knife from my skin, and I collapsed to the floor. My mommy was saying something, but all I could see was her lips moving and red all over the perfect white tiles.

She walked away, leaving her flesh and blood, her daughter, lying on the ground. My vision was blurred with tears, but under all of the red, I could faintly see a mark.

 The very same mark mommy had on her wrist.

I gasped and jerked awake. I looked at my surroundings to see I was sitting in my car. It was all a dream. I checked my wrist to see the still very apparent mark on my wrist, still embedded on my skin after all these years.

It was the mark of the shadows. A circle with a triangle through it and a knife in the middle. Luckily, it wasn’t that noticeable, but some days it seemed to be more noticeable than others.

Today was one of those days.

I still felt emotionally drained, but after that nightmare, memory really, I was not going to sleep for a while. It was still dark, but I could faintly see the pinks and oranges up ahead.

The sun was about to rise.

I used my connection with my sister trying to figure out where she was, surprisingly, I could smell a faint whiff of her scent. It must have been because we were twins.

Using her scent to guide me, I continued down the road for a few more hours.

The sun was now shining, and I could tell that today was going to be a very nice day. I wonder what Kim was doing? Is she and Carter still together?

Her scent suddenly left my nostrils. I stopped the car and backed up, trying to find it. Sure enough, once I backed up a couple feet, the familiar scent filled my nose. I turned my head towards the huge block of trees, and it seemed to grow stronger.

I guess I will be on foot for the rest of the way.

I grabbed my duffel bag and slung it over my shoulder. I took one look at the looming trees before plunging into the unknown territory.

Trekking in the woods was a whole new experience for me. I had never been in the woods before, besides the one time I snuck out of the house. I suffered dearly for that.

The woods were just as beautiful as I imagined. Everything was so green, and alive, it amazed me. I had never seen such a magnificent sight.

I couldn’t change into my wolf form. I was a runt. Useless. Ever since my mother found out about my disability, she made it very clear that I was not going to hold the throne.

That was why she kidnapped Kim so early. She wanted her to rule the throne, not a she wolf who couldn’t even shift.

Kim’s scent was becoming stronger and stronger, now. So strong in fact, it was as if she was right next to me. I could see the tree line only a few yards ahead of me.

I paced faster, eager to see my sister. I set my things down and peeked around the tree.

I was looking at a small little church perched on a hill. It had a limo in front of it, and people were crowded out in the front. It must have been a wedding.

I wonder who was getting married.

The crowd of people started to cheer and holler. I couldn’t see the couple because they were blocking them. Once they exited the crowd of people, I gasped in shock.

It was Kim and her mate Carter.

A stab of jealousy and hurt consumed me. They looked so happy together. She probably hadn’t once even thought about me.

After all, I was her deranged sister.

Her head suddenly snapped in my direction. Her eyes pierced mine with confusion. It took all I had not to run and explain everything to her. All I wanted was someone, anyone. Instead, I back stepped into the shadows, deciding it was best she thought it was a figment of her imagination.

Tears welled in my eyes for the second time. I didn’t do anything to stop the tears as they fell carelessly down my cheeks.

I was alone. Completely and utterly alone.


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