Accepting the Accepted: Chapter Two

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Okay, so how long has it been? WAY too long! I am so sorry, but my life is so crazed right now, sitting down and typing on the computer only for a minute seems to be too long. If you have seen me, I have only been on my iPod and phone, so if you ever messaged me, than I am sorry for not responding.

Anyways, here is a new somewhat terrible/short chapter, and I promise I will try my best to get the next chapter up within a week next time!

Thank you guys!<3

Chapter Two

Pity was something I was told never to give.

 Not to myself, or any other individual, but all of my teachings seemed to fade away as if it was another life, another person, as I walked carelessly around the dark, cold forest.

Self-pity seemed to be my only friend in the lonely walk of shame.

My mind was scrambled beyond belief, and my limbs were aching from walking aimlessly for miles and miles.

Not a thought entered my brain, not a care either.

Only hurt and jealousy consumed my wretched soul, forever damning it to the pits of hell. Well, that’s what it felt like.

My heart was heavy as a lead pipe, and my head was pounding as if I was getting over from a terrible hangover, which I had never experienced in my caged teenage years.

Even though my legs felt as if they were to shrivel up and die any second, they still kept moving. My arms lay by my side, not moving an inch.

A zombie would be a good description if you were to see me.

The tears had long been dried from my pale face. It had felt like I was walking for days, but with my overactive imagination, I was sure it was only a few hours.

I should have been paying attention. I should have watched where I was going. I should have smelled a shift in the air, a slight vanilla smell entered my nostrils, but I thought nothing of it.

As I stumbled my way into the woods, things seemed to get darker, and my wolf seemed almost restless, but I wasn’t paying any mind to my surroundings.

I was brought out of my daze when I heard a sharp snap of a twig. I jerked my head up looking to see what made the noise, but all I could see was pine trees upon pine trees.

My wolf seemed to stir; it was the first time in months I had gotten any reaction out of her. After my mother disappeared, I stopped shifting, hence my wolf and human forms getting very weak.

Another twig snapped, but this time it seemed even closer. My sense of smell wasn’t all that great, but I could tell that whatever this thing was, it wasn’t just a raccoon.

It was already too late, I’m afraid. I was careless with my actions, and I had sealed my fate as soon as I had stepped foot past the territory line.

My numb legs seemed to stop moving altogether, causing me to collapse on the grassy ground. I slumped to the ground in a matter of seconds. I crawled to the nearest tree without any help of my legs hoping somehow it would protect me.

The daylight seemed to get even shorter, and so did my breaths. I felt like the whole world was closing in on me. I could barely breathe and black spots invaded my line of vision.

I was an open target for any oncoming predator, but my weakened state was no match for an attack. My head involuntarily plopped back against the tree.

It was getting harder and harder to see, and I couldn’t feel anything. Only numbness invaded my body.

Just as the blackness consumed me, a beautiful red wolf jumped from the tree line, ready to attack.


Peace, a feeling I had never once felt, until now.

I felt completely at ease, not a care in the world. I wonder if death has finally consumed my soul, but the heaviness in my chest and the aching in my legs told me otherwise.

I slowly but surely lifted my heavy eyelids to come in contact with a very bright light. It took a few more tries to open my eyes completely without squinting.

The fuzzy memories of the past hit me like a ton of bricks. So hard in fact, the breath was knocked out of me as if I had been punched.

I tried to sit up, but I was quickly brought back down from an unknown force. I look down at my mid-section and legs to see a rope securing me tightly to the bed. I was wearing the same dirty clothes from last night, but my shoes had mysteriously disappeared.

I was sitting on a white hospital-like bed which was the only furniture placed in the small bare room. There were no windows, or even paintings. The walls and floor seemed to morph together to form one giant slab of pavement. The door was quite tall, but very narrow and held metal bars across it.

I couldn’t smell anything but the musty smell of mold and mildew coming from the dark corners of the room. It was as if I was placed in a dungeon.

Panic suddenly kicked in as I thought of the huge red wolf that had leaped from the shadows at the very last second of my consciousness. I started breathing heavily, my breaths coming out in short pants. The restriction across my lungs only made it worse.

Tears started clouding my vision of the cement ceiling, and falling shamelessly down my cheeks. A sob worked its way up my throat, but before it escaped, the cement door opened with such a force, if I would have been standing in front of it, I would have flown into the wall.

A middle-aged man marched his way into the room along with two others, who I assumed was his guards. The middle-aged man just oozed power and strength with his sharp features and frown lines etched into his face. The hard look in his eye was determined, and didn’t even phase when he saw my pathetic figure whimpering.

He continued to analyze me for a few moments before speaking up. “Who are you?”

The tight knot in my throat made it hard for me to breathe, much less talk, but I managed to hoarsely whisper a reply. “Kaya. Kaya Branch.”

I wasn’t stupid enough to give away my real name. Even though most Shadows were greatly feared throughout the wolf population, most wolves would die to get a chance to kill a Shadow.

The man smirked widely. “Well Kaya Branch, rogue who dared enter my territory, I welcome you as the newest prisoner of the Nightingale Pack.”

Accepting the Accepted (Book Two) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now