Monsters of Society

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2 months before Midtown Massacre

Ukraine, trenchs of no mans land

Pictures. Memories. Its all Kai Lawstrom had left. Pictures of his family, friends and past lovers.  Memories with these people haunting his mind. Why haunting you ask? Kai was a hired gun, he moves to Maripol in Ukraine a few years ago after losing his fiance in a car accident. One he caused. He swallowed and squeezed his eyes shut as he recalled the events of that night. She was out again with her friends, had called him to pick her up. She was well known in the small town of Midtown in Ontario, Canada. Not in any good way. She was a model, but also a dancer and escort. She had kept most of the dancing and escorr life from her lover Kai who was often to kind for her own liking. That night she had gotten drunk with her friends after dancing it off at the Serbian a strip bar out of town near Acton. She called Kai as usual to pick her up. When Kai got there she was a mess, he even wondered when he pulled up into the bars driveway in his red pickup what he was doing with this girl anyways, he had doubts about her loyalty and she was always drunk. He unlocked the door as he watched her waddle towards him in her high heals, she was struggling to keep her black leather mini skirt down. She had red lipstick smeared down her cheak and her eye liner was fading around her gorgeous blue eyes, the same eyes that captivated and won Kai's heart. Her blond hair wad a tangled mess. She stumbled and fell, he was quick to act as he unbuckled and got out leaving his door open and hurried over to help her up.

"Baby... your-r to..." she swallowed  and made a disgusted face, she was about to puke.

"Shhh, its okay Brittany" Kai frowned as he helped her towards the truck.

After struggling a bit he managed to help her up into her seat. She kept trying to speak, he handes her a bucket from the back and buckled her in. Shutting the door he went back to the front and as soon as he was buckled in he slowly backed out. There was not many cars at this time on the highway back to Midtown. The drive was silent at first until Britanny broke the silence.

"Kai... Im sorry" she started to cry and huddled as close as she could to him and layed her head on his shoulder.

He smiled, "I love you Brit, thats whats most important right?"

"I guess..." still crying she murmurred.

"What do you mean babe?" He asked wondering.

"Baby... I got to tell yoh something, and you..." she stopped for a momemt then continued, "you wont be happy..."

Startled Kai looked down at her and said, "what do you mean baby?"

Just then britanny puked all over Kai, it really all happened so fast. First he was surprised and with one hand reached out for the bucket and not looking infront at the road he hadnt noticed the stranded car. All he remembered was the head lights. Then the truck rolling down a hill, britanny uncontious and smashing his head off the ceiling. He passed out almost instantly but not fast enought to see the tree branch go through the window and decapitate britannys head from her body.

Machine gun fire and shouts knocked Kai back into reality. He was slouched against the muddy trench wall. Wood panels stood against the ground keeping the mud and earth from caving in. In his hands was a picture of britanny, and others. Along side him where other soldiers. All had bean hired to fight for the rising right wing goverment. A fascist battalion called the Azov battalion. He was not very much into politics and like half the guys here slouching in the mud, in there grey, white and black camo uniforms with armored tactic vests and assault rifles basically armed to the teeth, where all in it for money. Today he wondered, was just another long day, cleaning his gun and looking at letters from family or regretting life choices. Why and how did he end up in this bunker? Funny you would ask. Its simple. After the accident and sometime being jobless and a total deppressed mess, he joined a mercenary militia and was hires for ten million a weak to fight for this country. He did not think twice. He was shipped off and sent to the front lines. No mans land they called it. A mess really. He became imune to seeing bodys by this time. The entire place was riddled in ruin towns, bomb craters, bodys everywhere from limbs to arms to fingers or eyes and even the insides. You name it. No mans land. The front line. A massive chemical hell hole. World war 1 basically all over again. If it wasnt a chemical air raid it was a bombardment from motors. Everyday was just one more step closer to hell. He would go to sleep one night with someone beside him and wake up with that persons head contents all over him. At first he was shocked but at this point you never saw the same face for long. There where no friends here. Just faces that came and gone.

More gun fire and screams split the air. A distant siren. Shouts. Explosions. More screams. He closed his eyes. Sometimes he wished he had never left. Wished he had never taken his eyes off the road that night. He opened his eyes and stared at the guy infront of him. Got to admit he wondered. The four of them had joined and where shipped off at the same time. The four of them saw and did terrible things. Infront of him was a skinny scrawny kid a bit like Kai. Kai had dark blond hair, a clear face and blue eyes but muscular and tom was sevem foot while Kai was only five ten. Tom was dark haired maybe brown or black he could never really tell for sure. In the light it looked brown in the dark black. His eyes where dark brown. Beside tom was "sad boy" they nick named him. His real name was brandon. Some fashion artist. He was a good looking six foot light blond and blue eyed. The girls loved him, he started his own clothing trade he had the world in his hands but instead he followes his brother Justin, nickamed "mad J" for his schyzofrenia, you must wonder since when did they start giving gun jobs to schyzo's? Well since Justin is one hell of a good actor and aced all the sycho exams. This was kai's squad. All from Midtown. Each one followed another and swore since childhood to never lose sight of another. They kept that promis that was for sure.

So how did good boys end up following one rotten apple like Kai? Well they just did. Friendship was all they had and known. Toms face was hidden behind a gasmask. Kai knew though what hid beneath inside his mind. They all pretty much shared the same mind set. Since they where here the boys had saw people get murdered. Executed if not by others then themselfs. Rape and above all genaside. Holes full of corpses, corpses they threw down and executed. Ptsd had left there minds long ago. The boys didnt even reckonize love anymore and all they had left was the growing hate in them that was only controled by the hunger for war. If they where not shooting at the rebels they where picking on or bullying others. The whole operation had gone to hell, there where no humanitarian groups or health groups anything like that out here on the front lines. Nor did anyone realize that Ukraines fascist goverment where using hired guns to commit genaside instead of there own people. Little did kai know, in only a few weaks this entire war was going to end. Funny how the boys never thought of a world without war. They got so used to it. Where involved in such a deep way that the Midtown Massacre was just a strole in the park for these boys. Kai shut his eyes and fell asleep to the sounds of gun fire and screams.

1 month later

It all was a nightmare to Kai. Not only did the peace treaty get signed but everything they did. He did. Was all hidden and pushed back from media and anyone. The soldiers on the front where demoted and sent off or abandonned. The storys of what happened was being shut off and covered up. They just got the boys tickets and sent them back home. They where payed and nothing more. Just like that. It all ended. Kai, tom and both justin and brandon steppes off the plane at the toronto airport. They where now rich but, there purpose and meaning. Was lost. Now they stood there looking at a world that had become a ghost to them. The bus ride back to there homes in midtown was a silent one. No one spoke. No one mentioned or talked about the future or seeing each other again. They all split and went back to there lifes before the war. It didnt take long for them to crack and seek each other out. Society had taken there jobs. Yes it gave them money enough to live off but the rest. Was lost. While they where gone they rejected and threw away there lifes and the people in them. Upon returning to midtown meant going home to empty houses, familys long moved on. Life was hard. The weeks following there arrival was terrible. They had no recollection and emotions for this life. They moved about like zombies. Emotionless. Kai would call for the group to meet up. He had spoken to the others a few times and each one came home to a new kind of hell. Kai, had no more family. He was braided as a monster already for the accident a few years before. Tom was branded as the gunaholic who had to many firearms and obsessed over it so people where scared of him. Justin and brandon well justin had it easier you could say even though his clothes line got sold out and he was in debt. Brandon was being hunted down for fraud.

Kai told the boys they needed to so something about it all. Not only where they the rejecta of town but also no one took them seriously. They could not leave there homes without being purged in mockery or stares. It was getting harder and harder to carry out there lifes and so the boys decided at that moment that things would need to change. They set forward a plan. A plan that would take the lifes and paint a bloody page in Canadas history.

The Midtown Massacre.

End of part 1.

Next part; part 2, Nurture our hatred

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