Part 2: Nurture our hatred

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1 month before Midtown massacre

Kai lay in his bed, bare naked. His body was very muscular and he still had a amazing six pack, his pale skin was full of scars and healed bullet wounds. A quick glance and you knew he had bean through alot of action. His eyes remained open. He did not blink once. His mind elsewhere. He wasnt really day dreaming. He was lost between reality and his own mind. His inner demons eating him alive. In the dark of his room the only light was that shining through the blinds behind him. Stripes of light across his skin. He could hear voices, he knew they where in his head. Yet ever since he came back from war. He heard them more and more. At first they scared him but now they just tell him what he needs to do. He use to think they where just in his head and now he believed the voices where that of god himself. Telling him how to complete his holy quest. Every day he would take an hour and listen to them. The divine quest became more and more clearer. The more he listened the more he realized just how the voices where not of his doing. Now, they even show him images of a world where he is god. A world where he rules over it. He is surrounded by gorgeous woman and he controls massive armies. As right now they where showing him images of armies, massive armored gasmasked stormtroopers marching through burning citys with flags and banners flowing in there wake, chanting his name. People in chains being dragged as slaves behind while others are executed. He can see his army growing as they move from town to town. Burning. Torturing amd executing those unfit for his ideal world. With a deep breath and a loud knock kai is brought back into reality and finally he blinks as the voices die out. He slowly sits up. The sun is setting, his room now completely plunged into darkness. Another loud knock. Kai slides his legs off the bed and pulls on his underwear then a pair of black khakis. He fetches his phone from the nightstand as another loud knock echoes through the hall way of his small two room appartment. It was only nine pm, it was getting darker earlier he thought. Winter was on its way. He headed out of his room towards the front door. Another knock. He peers through the eye hole. A woman, dark blue hair and some facial piercings such as a septum and snake bites. Heavy eyeliner and dressed in a navy blue dress with leoperd print on it. He feels himself start to get exited. He shakes his head violently he must not let his sexual urges control him. He unlocks the door. Opens, his serious and emotionless face takes a new form. He is now smiling and his blue eyes glimmer.

Standing there in her high heals Gemma Santanio waits for her buisness partner to open up. She had met him over a online forum not long ago. They had started talking about small things like commun interests such as music or shows and then exchanged numbers and started calling daily until there relationship reached the point of sharing more personal information in which they connected even more. They both hated society equally and had very rough pasts. They found solitude in each others storys. He was a prince to her and she believed to be a princess to him. She was afraid he was leading her on but she still wanted to meet this mysterious man who she got close over the past month. As he opened the door and she saw his muscular and seducing smile, his chest was full of scars she felt her chest tingle. He was exactly as she imagined him. He moved aside greeting her with a gentle nod and she walked in. Little did she know what awaited her, for if she had she would never have came.

"Welcome," kai greeted Gemma, "may I say you are very beautiful this evening Gemma" a cocky smile formed on his lips as he shut and double locked the door behind his guest.

"Ha! Your one to speak hunny" Gemma frowned and giggled as she slipped her high heals off.

"Well it is the closest I can get to the truth" kai's smile faded, he hated small talk. "Shall we order dinner or would you like me to cook for you?"

Gemma again giggled and after a few awkward seconds said "sure, cook me up something majestic monsieur chef"

Kai scowled and waved her towards the kitchen. "I hope you do not mind, I have a friend here".

"Oh, you should have..." she stopped. Her skin prickled with goosebumps.

Kai tilted his head towards her. "You really should have not come" he laughed maniacally and his smile twisted into a grin with white shiny teeth.

Tom who was waiting on the sofa this whole time had his shotgun out and as she entered the living room, he stood aiming it towards Kai's guest.

"Please, ma jolie" kai motioned her towards a chair, "sit" and as he said that Gemma slowly shaking walked over to the seat.

"Wh-at... is-s this?!" She fumbled over her own words trying not to let her voice crack up.

"Oh, i told you just a friend" kai laughed again as he sat down where tom was standing.

"Wh-y, d..d...does he-he have a gun?" She broke into tears.

"Oh no my sweet little caramel, do not cry" kai reached for a klinex and gave her the box. "Do not ruin that makeup, you will need to look your best on the video"

"Vi-video?" She stopped.

"Yes, the video my love" kai stood. He flexed his biceps, tom grinned and they both laughed. "We are just waiting for the others to show up, then we will begin" kai poored her a glass of wine "i hope you like red whine, im not strong on white whine" he then poored him and tom one.

Tom spoke, "we wont hurt you Gemma, all we want is to spread a message" he lowered the gun.

"What kind of message?" Gemma started to crack up again.

"Oh, trust me lovely, you wont be harmed, the gun-" he mentioned tom who still held the lowered shot gun. "-gun is so you will work with us without resistance".

"If its a porn video or rape I refuse-" gemma started but Kai cut her off.

"No! Not at all my love." Him and tom laughed. "This is a simple video where you read our demands and then we let you go" again his cocky smile.

Gemma only stared at him, his whole being, seemed to shoot confidence in her. She nodded, "o-ok... i g-guess its ok" her voice shaking less, all she wanted right now was to go home.

The door bell rang. Followed by a loud knock.

Justin and Brandon had arrived.

Kai smiled, but his smile was so empty. His eyes shined with hatred and he looked down with such disgust at Gemma and she knew she wasnt ever going to leave this place alive. "Now, my love. The fun begins".

2 days earlier, Cypress's crib Midtown

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2017 ⏰

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